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1: Applying New Standards for CPAs Providing Valuation Services
Walter A. Robbins and Gary Taylor
JUNE 2008 - Over
the last two decades, the demand for CPAs who provide business valuation
services has increased dramatically. The AICPA estimates that more
than 25,000 CPAs are involved in business valuation engagements.
In 2001 the AICPA’s Consulting Services Executive Committee
began a valuation standard development process. This involved consultation
with numerous AICPA members from various disciplines and with outside
parties. The first public exposure draft of the standard was published
in 2005, and a second exposure draft was issued in 2006. In June
2007, the committee released Statement on Standards for Valuation
Services No. 1 (SSVS No. 1): Valuation of a Business, Business Ownership
Interest, Security, or Intangible Asset.
The purpose
of SSVS 1 is to improve the consistency and quality of practice
among AICPA members providing valuation services. Specifically,
the standard provides guidance to CPAs when they perform engagements
to estimate value that culminate in the expression of a conclusion
of value or a calculated value. The standards contained in SSVS
1 apply to all AICPA members who perform an engagement that estimates
the value of a business, business interest, security, or intangible
asset for purposes such as sales transactions, financing, taxation,
financial reporting, mergers and acquisitions, management, financial
planning, and litigation. Because of the increasing number of
CPAs providing business valuation services, and the fact that
SSVS 1 provides professional guidance as to generally accepted
best practices within the valuation and business communities,
it is imperative that CPA valuation analysts become familiar with
SSVS 1’s requirements.
of SSVS 1
SSVS 1 provides
guidance for the practitioner in determining when an engagement
is deemed to be a valuation engagement. It also identifies previously
issued AICPA standards that all CPAs who provide valuation services
should observe.
valuations are required for a variety of purposes (see Exhibit
1). SSVS 1 indicates that in instances where a CPA is required
to apply valuation approaches and methods, and use professional
judgment in applying those approaches and methods, the CPA is
subject to the AICPA’s special valuation standards contained
in SSVS 1. Furthermore, the valuation standards apply even when
estimating value is only a part of a larger engagement. For example,
CPAs are frequently required to provide estimated value for certain
assets involved in tax, litigation, or acquisition-related engagements.
To further
assist CPAs in determining whether a particular service falls
within the scope of SSVS 1, the statement specifically identifies
services that are excluded:
- Audit,
review, and compilation engagements;
- Use of
values provided by the client or a third party;
- Internal-use
assignments from employers to employee members not in the practice
of public accounting;
- Engagements
that are exclusively for the purpose of determining economic
damages and that do not include an engagement estimate value;
- Mechanical
computations that do not rise to the level of an engagement
to estimate value;
- Engagements
where it is not practical or reasonable to obtain or use relevant
information and, therefore, the member is unable to apply valuation
approaches and methods described in SSVS 1; and
- Engagements
meeting the jurisdictional exception.
SSVS 1 establishes
that any CPA involved in an engagement to estimate value is identified
as a valuation analyst. Such individuals are expected to possess
special skills and knowledge specifically for valuation engagements.
The SSVS recommends that a CPA analyst have a fundamental awareness
of the professional standards contained in the AICPA Code of Professional
Conduct and the Statement on Standards for Consulting Services
(SSCS) 1, Consulting Services: Definitions and Standards.
The CPA must understand the extent to which such professional
standards apply to valuation engagements. The CPA should also
be aware of other AICPA standards that, depending on the circumstances,
may or may not be applicable to a valuation engagement, but that
the CPA needs to consider when providing valuation services. Such
standards relate to the following:
- Standards
on reporting on historical financial information;
- Standards
on financial forecasts and projections; and
- Quality-control
identifies the following items that a CPA should evaluate before
accepting a valuation engagement.
competence. In performing a valuation analysis,
the CPA must be able to complete the engagement with a reasonable
level of professional competence. The CPA must have the requisite
knowledge and skills that will enable him to identify, gather,
and analyze data; consider and apply appropriate valuation approaches
and methods; and use professional judgment in developing the estimate
of value. In determining whether the CPA analyst has the required
professional competence for a particular valuation engagement,
SSVS 1 recommends that, at minimum, the CPA consider the: 1) subject
entity and its industry; 2) subject interest; 3) valuation date;
4) scope of the valuation engagement; and 5) any government regulations
that apply to the subject interest. When assessing the scope of
the valuation engagement, the CPA should always identify the purpose
of the engagement, identify all assumptions and limiting conditions
expected to apply, establish the applicable standard of value
(i.e., fair value or fair market value) and the applicable premise
of value (i.e., going concern), and determine the type of report
to be issued, including the intended use and users.
and risk of the valuation services. To understand
the nature and risks of a perspective valuation engagement and
the expectations of the client, the CPA should consider the following:
- Terms
of the valuation engagement;
- Identity
of the client;
- Nature
of the business interest and ownership rights in the business,
security, and intangible assets being valued, including control
characteristics and the degree of marketability of the interest;
- Procedural
requirements of a valuation engagement and the extent of any
limitations imposed by the client or circumstances;
- The use
of and limitations of the valuation report; and
- Any obligation
to update the valuation report in the future.
and conflict of interest. Objectivity is a state
of mind. Rule 102 of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct requires
objectivity in the performance of all professional services, including
valuation engagements. The principle of objectivity imposes the
obligation on the CPA to be impartial, intellectually honest,
and free of conflicts of interest. Therefore, a CPA analyst must
be independent of relationships that may impair his objectivity
in rendering valuation services.
Maintaining integrity and objectivity calls for avoiding both
actual and perceived conflicts of interest. This concept is known
as independence. Being independent in fact and in appearance means
that the CPA must not only be unbiased, impartial, and objective,
but also be perceived that way by others. The AICPA’s rules
pertaining to independence for CPAs who perform audits are detailed
in the Code of Professional Conduct, Rule 101.05. However, AICPA
Interpretation 101-3, “Performance of Nonattest Services,”
addresses the issue of independence in instances where valuations
services are provided to attest clients. Therefore, the CPA should
meet the requirements of the interpretation so as not to impair
his independence with respect to the client.
and limiting conditions. Assumptions and limiting
conditions are common to valuation engagements. For example: 1)
arriving at a conclusion of value while assuming that the current
level of management expertise and effectiveness will be maintained,
or 2) relying on management’s financial statements without
any verification of their accuracy and integrity. While the CPA
should attempt to identify all assumptions and limiting conditions
before accepting a valuation engagement, sometimes additional
assumptions or limiting conditions will arise during an engagement.
In any case, restrictions and limitations should be disclosed
in the valuation report.
the work of specialists. In some cases, the CPA
may deem it necessary to have a portion of the valuation engagement
performed by a third-party specialist. For example, using an appraiser
who specializes in real estate to appraise a unique parcel of
land is not uncommon.
the CPA must note in the assumptions and limiting conditions the
level of responsibility, if any, he will assume for the work of
the third-party specialists. Moreover, SSVS 1 allows the CPA the
option of including the written report of the third-party specialist
in the CPA’s valuation report.
Engagement Letter
The CPA should
use an engagement letter as a way to formally establish an understanding
of the services to be performed and to define the responsibilities
of each party. In particular, the understanding should include
the identity of the client, the nature, purpose, and objective
of the valuation engagement, the client’s responsibilities,
the CPA’s responsibilities, the applicable assumptions and
limiting conditions, the valuation methodologies to be employed,
a listing of the types of information the CPA will use, the type
of report to be issued, any limitation on liability, the fee basis,
and a statement that the CPA has no responsibility to update the
resulting valuation report. A well-prepared engagement letter
that clearly establishes an understanding with the client reduces
the likelihood of any misinterpretation by either party.
While a written
understanding for an engagement is preferable, an oral presentation
is acceptable though not advisable. The only exception is if the
engagement is being performed for an attest client. In such cases,
AICPA Ethics Interpretation 101-3 requires that the engagement
understanding be in writing. SSVS 1 indicates that if the understanding
is oral, then the CPA should document that understanding by appropriate
memoranda or notations in the working papers. Moreover, any significant
changes in the services to be performed should be documented by
written modification.
A word of
caution to CPAs providing valuation services as part of a litigation
engagement: If the CPA has been retained as an expert witness,
then the engagement letter is discoverable. Consequently, an engagement
letter that contains specific information about the services to
be provided can be used by opposing counsel to challenge the CPA’s
work product and conclusions. A detailed engagement letter may
provide the opposing attorney with considerable insight into the
client’s litigation strategy. Consequently, in litigation
valuation engagements it is preferable for the CPA to provide
only broad statements.
of Engagements for Estimating Value
An engagement
for estimating the value of a business, business ownership interest,
security, or intangible asset is identified in SSVS 1 as being
either a valuation engagement or a calculation engagement. A valuation
engagement is when the CPA is required to estimate the value
of a subject interest based on the valuation methodologies the
practitioner has selected as being appropriate in the circumstance.
A valuation engagement results in a conclusion of value. In contrast,
a calculation engagement does not include all of the
procedures required for a valuation engagement, and the valuation
methodology is jointly determined by the CPA and client. Unlike
a valuation engagement, a calculation engagement results in a
calculation of value. Whether it is a valuation or calculation
engagement, the resulting value may be either a single amount
or a range. In both engagements a report will be issued.
A valuation
engagement begins by identifying and analyzing the subject interest.
Next, the CPA selects a valuation methodology based on the facts
and circumstances in the case. The CPA must then apply the valuation
methodology to the subject interest, preparing and maintaining
appropriate supporting documentation. The final step requires
the CPA to prepare a valuation report. (While the SSVS lists these
steps sequentially, a valuation engagement is a continuous process,
with the analyst constantly gathering, updating, and analyzing
the subject of interest. The “subject of interest”
refers to a business, business ownership interest, security, or
intangible asset that is the subject of a valuation engagement.
Because the subject interest is the focus of a valuation engagement,
the CPA analyst begins his valuation process by analyzing the
subject interest. The initial step in this process requires the
CPA to determine the type of information needed. SSVS 1 points
out that, to an extent, the information needed will consist of
at least the following:
- Nature
of subject interest;
- Scope
of the valuation engagement;
- Valuation
- Intended
use of the valuation;
- Applicable
standard of value;
- Applicable
premise of value;
- Assumption
and limiting conditions; and
- Applicable
governmental regulations or other professional standards.
In the assessment
of a subject interest, the CPA will need to consider both financial
and nonfinancial information. Nonfinancial information promotes
an in-depth understanding of the subject entity. The CPA will
examine information relating to the subject entity’s nature,
background, and history, and should consider items including the
- Entity’s
- Organizational
- Management
- Ownership
- Product
or services provided;
- Economic
- Geographical
- Industry
considerations; and
- Competition.
the ownership information requires the determination of the type
of ownership being evaluated, an analysis of the different ownership
interests of other owners, and an understanding of the classes
of equity ownership interests and rights. When the object interest
is a business, business ownership interest, or security, the CPA
should understand any equity-holder agreements, operating agreements,
voting-trust agreements, buy-sell agreements, prior sales or transactions,
loan covenants, restrictions, and other contractual obligations
or restrictions that affect the owners and the subject interest.
If the subject interest is an intangible asset, the CPA needs
to understand all legal rights, licensing agreements, sublicense
agreements, nondisclosure agreements, development rights, commercialization
or exploitation rights, and other contractual obligations.
The CPA must
also gather financial information to assist in the valuation engagement.
The practitioner must identify what financial information is relevant
to the engagement and is reasonable in the circumstance. The CPA
will usually read and evaluate the following financial items,
among others, if they are available:
- Annual
and interim financial statements;
- Income
tax returns;
- Key financial
statement statistics;
- Prospective
financial information such as forecasts or projections;
- Comparative
common-size financial statements for the subject entity;
- Comparative
common-size industry financial information;
- Owners’
compensation, benefits, and personal expenses;
- Key executives’
or officers’ life insurance; and
- Management’s
response to the analyst’s inquiries.
of valuation methodology. The value of any business,
business interest, security, or intangible asset is derived from
the future benefits it provides. Because the object interest in
each engagement has different risks and earnings characteristics,
no single methodology can be used to determine valuation in every
situation. Consequently, different methodologies have evolved.
A business
valuation methodology consists of two aspects: the valuation approach,
and the valuation method. The valuation approach refers to a general
way of determining a value measure for a business, business ownership
interest, security, or intangible asset, using one or more valuation
methods. The valuation method is the specific way to determine
business value within a general approach. A valuation methodology
requires the CPA to first select a valuation approach. Then, depending
on the facts and circumstances of the engagement, the CPA selects
an appropriate valuation method. Exhibit
2 provides a general overview of the three valuation approaches
and their associated methods as set forth in SSVS 1. (Because
the SSVS mentions valuation methods only briefly, the reader is
encouraged to consult other professional publications for an in-depth
discussion. The authors suggest the following publications: Understanding
Business Valuation, AICPA, 2005; Guide to Business Valuations,
Practitioners Publishing Company, 2007; and Financial Valuation:
Applications and Models, Wiley, 2003.)
approach. This approach requires the CPA to value
a business, business interest, security, or intangible asset as
the present value of all expected future benefits of owning that
interest. When calculating value under the income approach, SSVS
1 indicates that the CPA may use either a discounted-future-benefits
method or a capitalization-of-benefits method.
When using
the discounted-future-benefits method, the present value of a
company’s future returns (either net cash flow or earnings)
that are expected to be realized up to the time they reach a stabilized
level is calculated first. To that amount is added the present
value of the company’s terminal value. With the capitalization-of-benefits
method, a single-period benefits stream is converted into value
by dividing the benefits stream by a rate of return that is adjusted
for growth.
The discounted-future-benefits
method is more appropriate when future returns are expected to
differ significantly from current operations. The capitalization-of-benefits
method is generally more appropriate when a company’s current
operations appear to be indicative of its future operations. When
applying the valuation methods under the income approach, SSVS
1 suggests that the CPA consider, at minimum, several factors.
(See Exhibit
approach. This approach considers the value of the
underlying business assets and liabilities. SSVS 1 points out
that the asset-based approach is appropriate for valuing businesses,
business ownership interests, and securities. However, when valuing
significant intangible assets, the cost approach is more appropriate.
SSVS 1 indicates
that a frequently used asset-based valuation method is the adjusted
net asset method. This method requires the CPA to estimate value
by adjusting the values of the individual assets and liabilities
of the business to fair market value. The difference between assets
and liabilities represents the total value of the enterprise.
In using this approach, the practitioner must identify all assets
and liabilities of the business.
Exhibit 2
shows that when valuing intangible assets, the cost-to-create
method is used. The cost-to-create method is similar to the adjusted-net-asset
method, except that the value of intangible assets (e.g., intellectual
property) is also considered. Value for intangible assets can
be measured as either reproduction cost or replacement cost. Reproduction
cost is the cost to reproduce an exact replication of the asset.
Replacement cost is the cost to produce an asset with similar
economic benefits.
approach. This approach can be used for business
entities or intangible assets. However, SSVS 1 identifies three
frequently used valuation methods under the market-based approach
specifically for valuing a business, business ownership interest,
or security. They are the guideline public company method, the
guideline company transaction method, and the guideline sales
of interests in the subject entity method. The comparable uncontrolled
transactions method, the comparable profit margin method, and
the relief from royalty methods are identified for valuing intangible
assets. Exhibit
4 summarizes the differences and similarities in these methods.
In a calculation
engagement, the client and CPA will agree on the valuation approaches
and methodologies to be used. The procedures required in a calculation
engagement are more limited than those required in a valuation
engagement. In performing a calculation engagement, SSVS 1 suggests
that the CPA consider the following:
- Identity
of the client;
- Identity
of the subject interest;
- Whether
or not a business interest has ownership control characteristics,
and its degree of marketability;
- Purpose
and intended use of the calculated value;
- Intended
users of the report and the limitations on its use;
- Valuation
- Applicable
premise of value;
- Applicable
standard of value;
- Sources
of information used in the calculation engagement;
- Valuation
approaches or valuation methods agreed upon with the client;
- Subsequent
events (defined as events that could affect the subject entities’
value and that occur subsequent to the valuation date).
SSVS 1 also
points out that, when arriving at a conclusion of value in a calculation
engagement, the CPA should:
- Correlate
and reconcile the results obtained under the different approaches
and methods used;
- Assess
the reliability of the results under the different approaches
and methods using the information gathered during the valuation
engagement; and
- Determine,
based on the first two items, whether the conclusion of value
should reflect the results of one valuation approach and method,
or a combination of the results of more than one valuation approach
and method.
The last
step in a valuation engagement requires the CPA to prepare a valuation
report. Through this report the CPA communicates to the client
his conclusions of value or calculated value of the subject interest.
The CPA must be sure that the report is in compliance with all
professional guidelines and represents the utmost quality in a
work product.
While reports
issued for purposes of certain controversy proceedings are specifically
exempt from the reporting provisions of SSVS 1, in all other instances
the standard allows both written and oral reports to be presented.
(Examples of controversy proceedings include a matter before a
court, an arbitrator, mediator, or other facilitator; or a matter
in a governmental or administrative proceeding.) If an oral report
is presented, the CPA must take precautions to prevent any misunderstandings
between the CPA and the recipient of the oral report. The CPA
should include in the oral report all information relating to
the scope, assumptions, and limitations, and the results of the
engagement. Moreover, the substance of the oral report communicated
to the client should be documented in the CPA’s working
SSVS 1 also
identifies three types of written reports that a CPA may use,
depending on the type of engagement. For a valuation engagement,
the CPA may issue either a detailed report or a summary report.
A detailed report is organized to efficiently communicate an understanding
of the data used and the reasoning and analysis applied in the
conclusion of value. A summary report is an abridged version of
the information that would be provided in a detailed report. SSVS
1 suggests that the following major sections should be presented
in a detailed report:
- Letter
of transmittal;
- Table
of contents;
- Introduction;
- Sources
of information;
- Analysis
of subject entity and nonfinancial information;
- Financial
statement and information analysis;
- Valuation
approaches/methods considered;
- Valuation
approaches/methods used;
- Valuation
- Nonoperating
assets and liabilities;
- Representation
of the valuation analyst;
- Reconciliation
of estimates and conclusion of value;
- Qualifications
of the CPA analyst; and
- Appendices
and exhibits.
In contrast,
a calculation report should be issued only in a calculation engagement,
and the report must explicitly state that it is a calculation
report. While somewhat similar to a detailed valuation report,
a calculation report has specific differences. Recommended disclosures
that should be presented in a calculation report include:
- A statement
that it is a calculation report;
- The representation
of the CPA analyst;
- Identification
of any hypothetical conditions used and the basis for their
- Any application
of the jurisdictional exception;
- Any assumptions
and limiting conditions;
- If the
work of a specialist is used;
- Any subsequent
events when appropriate;
- Appendices
or exhibits where appropriate; and
- Summary
of the calculated value.
The requirements
of SSVS 1 are applicable to engagements beginning on or after
January 1, 2008. CPAs who provide valuation services or intend
to expand into this practice area are encouraged to become familiar
with the provisions of the standard in order to better assist
their clients.
A. Robbins, DBA, CPA, CrFA, is the Roddy-Garner Professor
of Accounting, and Gary Taylor, PhD, CPA, is the
director of the Garner Center for Current Accounting Issues and
Accounting Doctoral Program, both in the Culverhouse School of Accountancy
of the college of commerce and business administration at the University
of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala. The authors express appreciation to
Timothy W. York, CPA/ABV, for his review and valuable input into
the writing of this article.
Note: For another discussion of this subject, see “Will
the Real Business Valuation Standards Please Stand Up? The AICPA’s
SSVS Compared to USPAP and Other Business Valuation Standards,”
by Martin J. Lieberman and David Anderson, The CPA Journal, January
2008, available at www.cpajournal.com.