Publisher’s Column: The New Normal (March 2015)

How to Avoid or Minimize Fraud Exposures (March 2015)

Trends and Issues for the 2015 Busy Season (March 2015)

Tax & Accounting Update (March 2015)

Response to “Professionalism and Commercialism: Can They Coexist?” (March 2015)

The New IRS Glossary (March 2015)

Publisher’s Column: What’s Past Is Prologue (February 2015)

Can Professionalism and Commercialism Coexist in CPA firms? Putting the Public Interest before Increased Profits (February 2015)

Announcement (February 2015)

Laughing through Tax Season (February 2015)

A Message from the Editor-in-Chief: Then and Now: A Celebration of 85 Years of The CPA Journal (February 2015)

The Past, Present, and Future of Auditing in China (February 2015)

Tax & Accounting Update (February 2015)

Publisher’s Column: Leaving a Mark that Matters (January 2015)

Making R&D Tax Incentives More Efficient: Thinking inside the “Patent Box”
(January 2015)

A Message from the Editor-in-Chief (January 2015)

Income Tax Incentives Extended for 2014 Returns (January 2015)

Significant Changes in Accounting and Review Services Standards (January 2015)

Have You Ever Seen “Footnotes” to the Financial Statements? An Ode to a True Resource, the Notes to the Financial Statements (January 2015)

Tax & Accounting Update (January 2015)


Publisher’s Column: When Playing It Safe Is Risky Business (December 2014)

2014 Individual Tax Landscape: A Roundup of Changes in the Past Year (December 2014)

Household Employment in 2014: What Tax Preparers Need to Know (December 2014)

2014: Year in Review (December 2014)

Tax & Accounting Update (December 2014)

Book Review: The Reckoning: Financial Accountability and the Rise and Fall of Nations (December 2014)

Letter to the Editor (December 2014)

Publisher’s Column: What We Talk about When We Talk about Audit Quality
(November 2014)

Cybersecurity Governance: The Role of the Audit Committee and the CPA
(November 2014)

Tax & Accounting Update (November 2014)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (November 2014)

Publisher’s Column Managing Your Practice, Managing Your Risk (October 2014)

Professional Liability Trends and Developments (October 2014)

Ethical Attestation: Establishing Higher Standards for Entrants to the Profession
(October 2014)

Tax & Accounting Update (October 2014)

Publisher’s Column: Walking the Walk: Adding Action to Advocacy (September 2014)

Implications of Investments in Equities versus Treasuries: Focusing on Fundamentals in a Risky and Uncertain Environment, 2002–2013 (September 2014)

Michael Lewis’s Disservice to Wary Stock Market Investors (September 2014)

From CFPs to CPAs: An Invitation and a Warning (September 2014)

Tax & Accounting Update (September 2014)

Publisher’s Column: Lawsky Makes a Bet on New York (August 2014)

A Call to Action for Future Auditors (August 2014)

Tax & Accounting Update (August 2014)

Still an Innovative Profession (August 2014)

Transitioning from the Private Sector to Academia (August 2014)

Publisher’s Column: IRS Taxpayer Regulation Program Misses Its Target (July 2014)

The Importance of Data Integrity: Told as a Hypothetical Fable (July 2014)

2013 Max Block Awards Presented (July 2014)

Tax & Accounting Update (July 2014)

Book Review: The Big Four and the Development of the Accounting Profession in China (July 2014)

Choosing Competency over Compliance (June 2014)

A Profile of Ernest R. Breech: Pioneer Financial Executive and Chairman of the Board of Ford Motor Company
(June 2014)

Seeking a Path Forward on Audit Quality Indicators: Audit Committees Play a Vital Role in Ensuring Audit Quality (June 2014)

Tax & Accounting Update (June 2014)

The Expanding Role of CPAs in a Changing Business Environment (June 2014)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (June 2014)

Promoting Financial Literacy: School Boards Need CPAs (May 2014)

Accuracy in Government Disclosures: An Analysis of the Issues in SEC v. Harrisburg (May 2014)

Choosing and Configuring Accounting Software (May 2014)

Not-for-Profits Are Big Business (May 2014)

Tax & Accounting Update (May 2014)

Book Review: Guide to Intangible Asset Valuation (May 2014)

Inbox: Letter to the Editor (May 2014)

Myths and Inconvenient Truths about Audit Sampling: An Audit Partner’s Perspective (April 2014)

The Reality of Fraud Risk: Five Common Misconceptions from Small Business Owners (April 2014)

Five Reasons to Go Paperless This Tax Season (April 2014)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (April 2014)

Accounting for Virtual Currencies (March 2014)

Is It Time for Companies to Capitalize on Sustainability? Considering the Opportunities and Challenges (March 2014)

Sustainability—The Accounting Perspective (March 2014)

A Growing Interest in Sustainability: Paving the Way for the Next Generation of CPAs (March 2014)

SEC Comment Letter Trends (February 2014)

Publisher’s Column: Succession: A Process, Not a Plan (February 2014)

Correction (February 2014)

Should the Accounting Profession Embrace Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation? (February 2014)

A Reference for Audits of Single Financial Statements and Specific Elements, Accounts, or Items of a Financial Statement (February 2014)

Global Accounting Standards—from Vision to Reality: Assessing the State of IFRS Adoption, Jurisdiction by Jurisdiction (January 2014)

Publisher’s Column: NextGen and the Next Chapter of the NYSSCPA (January 2014)

The IASB’s Achievements in 2013: IASB Chair Hans Hoogervorst Talks about IFRS
in the United States and Around the World
(January 2014)

Why Write, Why Publish? A Plea to Accounting Professionals (January 2014)

Inbox: Letter to the Editor (January 2014)


Year-End Tax Planning for 2013: How the American Taxpayer Relief Act Affects Individuals and Businesses (December 2013)

Publisher’s Column: The Power of a Professional Advocate (December 2013)

Recognition (December 2013)

Is It Time to Change the Name of Form 1040? Updating a 100-Year-Old Precedent (December 2013)

Determining a Practice’s Value in the 2013 M&A Market (December 2013)

Do Multiple Reporting Frameworks Enhance Financial Statement Usefulness?
(December 2013)

Helping Small and Midsized Businesses Succeed in a Technology-Driven World: Four Essential IT Risks and Recommendations (November 2013)

Publisher’s Column: Are You the Future of the NYSSCPA? (November 2013)

Accounting for Stock Options: Examining Another Option (November 2013)

Book Review: Financial Statement Fraud: Strategies for Detection and Investigation (November 2013)

Should Auditors Opine on Going Concern? (October 2013)

Publisher’s Column: Fostering Financial Literacy through Education (October 2013)

Lease Accounting—Up for Renewal: A Review of FASB and the IASB’s Exposure Draft (October 2013)

A Rotational Model for Internal Auditors: Academic Findings on its Costs and Benefits (October 2013)

Why Libor Manipulation Matters: Recommendations for CPAs and Investors (September 2013)

Publisher’s Column: Here’s to the Standards Setters: FASB Turns 40 (September 2013)

A Universal Fiduciary Standard: Does It Eliminate Confusion or Protect Investors? (September 2013)

How Many Accounting Frameworks Are Enough? A Critical Look at Standards for Private Companies (August 2013)

Publisher’s Column: NYSSCPA on the Move (August 2013)

Perspectives on the Pathways Commission Report: An Analysis of the Proposals (August 2013)

2012 Max Block Awards Presented (August 2013)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (August 2013)

Big Four Audit Independence and Oversight in China (July 2013)

Publisher’s Column: A New Look at Nonprofits (July 2013)

Inbox: Letter to the Editor (July 2013)

Student Loans: The Next Bubble? (July 2013)

Strengthening Defenses in the Fight against Fraud: Balancing Trust and Skepticism
(June 2013)

Publisher’s Column: The Missing Link in STEM (June 2013)

Analyzing Local and Global Fraud: An Exploration of Findings and Recommendations (June 2013)

Fraud Prevention Tips for Business Owners and Employees (June 2013)

Book Review: Detecting Fraud in Organizations:Techniques, Tools, and Resources (June 2013)

Management Accountants: Doing Both … and More (May 2013)

Publisher’s Column: Internal Audit Function Preserved—For Now (May 2013)

The New Pension Reporting Standard: What It Means for Governments (May 2013)

Inbox: Letter to the Editor (May 2013)

Clarification (May 2013)

How To Tell the ‘Accounting Story’: Balancing Competing Objectives in Accounting Communication (April 2013)

Publisher’s Column: The Future of Sustainability Reporting Needs CPAs (April 2013)

Self-Insured Health Plans: An Approach for Providing Real Value and Lower Costs (April 2013)

The Top Five Limiting Beliefs about Succession Planning: A Guide for CPA Firms (April 2013)

Book Review: Double Entry: How the Merchants of Venice Created Modern Finance (April 2013)

Letters to the Editor (April 2013)

Global Financial Crisis in Retrospect: Consequences and Lessons for the Accounting Profession (March 2013)

Publisher’s Column: Under Attack: New York’s School District Audit Mandate (March 2013)

Corrections (March 2013)

Book Review: Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments: Information Security (March 2013)

Risk Modeling at the SEC: The Accounting Quality Model (March 2013)

Letters to the Editor (March 2013)

Beyond the ‘Fiscal Cliff’—Implications of the American Taxpayer Relief Act: Politics Leads to Tax Increases for All, Little Hope for Transparency or Simplicity (February 2013)

Publisher’s Column: A Return to Wall Street (February 2013)

The Effects of Regulatory Overload: High Costs and Few Benefits (February 2013)

Time Management Tricks that Work (February 2013)

Growing a Family Business in Sin City: Thoughts from ‘Pawn Star’Rick Harrison (January 2013)

Publisher’s Column: CPA Firm Ownership: Next Steps (January 2013)

Hiring Academically Inexperienced Accounting Interns: Exploring the Challenges and Benefits (January 2013)

Embracing Technology in Education: Considering Options and Outcomes (January 2013)

Maximizing Revenue Opportunities with CRM Systems (January 2013)

Correction (January 2013)


Tax Simplification through Readability: A Look at Tax Law Complexity (December 2012)

Publisher’s Column: CPA Outlook Serves as Economic Bellwether (December 2012)

Rewarding Whistleblowers for Disclosing Tax Violations to the IRS (December 2012)

Recognition (December 2012)

Top Five Year-End Tax Planning Tips for U.S. Corporations (December 2012)

Potential Changes to the Auditor’s Reporting Model: Exploring the PCAOB’s Concept Release (December 2012)

Five Steps to Grow Beyond the $5 Million Mark: Escaping the Black Hole of Business (December 2012)

How to Prosper during an Economic Downtown: Strategies and Opportunities for Accounting Firms (November 2012)

Publisher’s Column: New York CPAs: Your Neighbors Need You (November 2012)

Evaluating the AICPA’s CPA Horizons 2025: A “Road Map for the Future” or a More Socially Responsible Path? (November 2012)

Inbox: Letter to the Editor (November 2012)

Improving Governance and Internal Control: An Interview with COSO Chairman David L. Landsittel (October 2012)

Publisher’s Column: Truth and Accuracy—in Words and Numbers (October 2012)

A Case-Based Approach to Intermediate Accounting Courses: New Hires Ready to Hit the Ground Running (October 2012)

Five Tips to Reduce the Risk of Internal Fraud: Keeping Controls Current
(October 2012)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (October 2012)

Wealth Management, With or Without a CPA (September 2012)

Publisher’s Column: A Pathway for Access to the Profession (September 2012)

Helping Clients Give with Their Heads, Not Just Their Hearts (September 2012)

Business Credit Scores: What CPAs Need to Know (September 2012)

Inbox: Letter to the Editor (September 2012)

Factors Influencing Students’ Choice of the Accounting Major (September 2012)

IFRS for Privately Owned Businesses (August 2012)

Publisher’s Column: A Pound of Cure: Preparing for the ACA’s 2014 Deadline
(August 2012)

2011 Max Block Awards Presented (August 2012)

The Imprecise Nature of Accounting (August 2012)

Teaching and Advising a New Generation of Accounting Students: A Glimpse into the NYSSCPA’s 2012 Higher Education Conference (August 2012)

Quick Response Codes: A Marketing Tool for Accounting Firms (August 2012)

Inbox: Letter to the Editor (August 2012)

The Past Revisited: An Accounting Bibliography (July 2012)

Publisher’s Column: Mending the Gaps in the Generational Bridge (July 2012)

The Best Accounting Firms to Work For: Popularity, Prestige, and Quality of Life Rankings Explored (July 2012)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (July 2012)

The Basics of Business Valuation, Fraud and Forensic Accounting, and Dispute Resolution Services (June 2012)

Publisher’s Column: A Government Affairs Program That Works for You (June 2012)

The Global Fraud Threat: A Report on Causes, Detection, and Prevention (June 2012)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (June 2012)

Auditor Independence and Audit Firm Rotation: Responses to the PCAOB’s Concept Release (May 2012)

Publisher’s Column: Attorney General Proposes Partnership with Nonprofit Sector (May 2012)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (May 2012)

Reflecting a Company’s Safety Culture in “Fairly Presented” Financial Statements: The Case of BP (April 2012)

Publisher’s Column: A New Business Plan for CPE (April 2012)

The Question of IFRS Adoption: A Very Long Engagement (April 2012)

Who Is Right: FASB or My Accounting Students? (April 2012)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (April 2012)

The IASB’s Convergence Program, the Prospects for Global Standards, and the Challenges for Emerging Economies (March 2012)

Publisher’s Column: A Partner in the Profession and in the Classroom (March 2012)

Concerns About the PCAOB’s Release on Possible Revisions to the Auditor’s Reports (March 2012)

The Case Against Non-CPA Ownership (March 2012)

Correction (March 2012)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (March 2012)

Non-CPA Ownership of CPA Firms: (February 2012)

  • An Opinion in Favor of Change
  • Why It Is Not Good for the Profession

Publisher’s Column: Our Member-Oriented Position Process (February 2012)

A New Audit Report (February 2012)

Inbox: Letter to the Editor (February 2012)

Taming the Too-Big-to-Fails: Will Dodd-Frank Be the Ticket? (January 2012)

Publisher’s Column: A Fresh Look at Our Business Climate (January 2012)

PCAOB Proposal for Greater Disclosure from Auditors (January 2012)

Public Accounting: Why It’s Stressful and What We Can Do About It (January 2012)


International Adoption Issues: A View from the IASB (December 2011)

Publisher’s Column: Think Your Firm Is Exempt from Mandatory Quality Review? Take a Closer Look (December 2011)

Recognition (December 2011)

Expanded Information in the Audit Report (December 2011)

Correction (December 2011)

Failure to Aggregate Rental Property: Late Election May Be an Option (December 2011)

Inbox: Letter to the Editor (December 2011)

The Curious Change in Leadership at the IASB (November 2011)

Publisher’s Column: Is It Time for New York to Embrace Non-CPA Partners? (November 2011)

Should a Master’s Degree Be Required for CPA Licensure?: An Analysis of the Ramifications (November 2011)

Book Review: Understanding Accounting Ethics … and the Near Collapse of the World’s Financial System (November 2011)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (November 2011)

In Defense of Stewardship (October 2011)

Publisher’s Column: Building a Professional Community Online (October 2011)

Defending Accounting Malpractice Claims (October 2011)

A Case for Raising the Normal Retirement Age (October 2011)

The Journey of the Business Use of the Home Office Deduction (September 2011)

Publisher’s Column: Another Bite at the Big Apple: The Gaied Residency Case (September 2011)

Considerations on Cloud Computing for CPAs (September 2011)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (September 2011)

Profile of Jacob K. Lasser: New York CPA and a Famous Name in Tax Guides (August 2011)

Publisher’s Column: CPAPAC: How Does It Work for You? (August 2011)

2010 Max Block Awards Presented (August 2011)

PCAOB Proposed Standards on the Auditor’s Reporting Model (August 2011)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (August 2011)

Blue Ribbon Panel on Private Company Financial Reporting:
‘One-Size GAAP’ Does Not Fit All (July 2011)
A Lender’s Dissenting View (July 2011)

Publisher’s Column: To Protect and Serve: NYSSCPA Is Looking for Quality Reviewers (July 2011)

Thirteen Steps to FCPA Compliance (July 2011)

Correction (July 2011)

Vendor Incentives: Out of the Shadows and into the Sunlight (June 2011)

Publisher’s Column: Meet the Press: Building a Relationship with the Public (June 2011)

IRS Eases Rules on Liens for Taxpayers (June 2011)

Guidance for Accounting Professors (June 2011)

The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report: Analysis and Commentary (May 2011)

Publisher’s Column: COAP: The Next Generation (May 2011)

Transitioning to IFRS: Planning Considerations (May 2011)

Profit Center Accounting: Theory and Practice (April 2011)

Publisher’s Column: Our Collective Voice Gets a Caucus (April 2011)

The Uncomfortable Truths About Improving Diversity (April 2011)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (April 2011)

Mary Elizabeth Murphy’s Contributions to the Development of International Accounting (March 2011)

Solving New York State’s Fiscal Crisis (March 2011)

The Keys to Integrity and a Sense of Well-being for Accounting Professionals (March 2011)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (March 2011)

Accounting for Financial Instruments: More Turmoil Ahead (February 2011)

Publisher’s Column: Trouble Brewing: Are Nonprofits the Next Roslyn? (February 2011)

IFRS in the General Business Curriculum: Why Should We Care? (February 2011)

Private Company Accounting: A Concept Whose Time Has Come (February 2011)

Use Newsletters to Build a Client Base (February 2011)

Correction (February 2011)

Why Is the U.S. XBRL Conversion Process So Slow? (January 2011)

Publisher’s Column: Dodd-Frank Sleeper (January 2011)

Leaves Confusion in Its Wake (January 2011)

Fighting Fraud with Both Fists (January 2011)

CPAs and Investment Compensation: A Better Way (January 2011)

The Real Law of Client Attraction (January 2011)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (January 2011)


When It Comes to Fraud, It’s Better to Be Safe than Sorry: The Importance of a Keen Eye and the Courage to Speak Up (December 2010)

Publisher’s Column: Making Our Voice Heard on Tax Issues (December 2010)

Recognition (December 2010)

IFRS for SMEs: Not for Private American Companies (December 2010)

Telecommuting and Taxes: The Telebright Case (December 2010)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (December 2010)

How Does the New Generation of Accounting Majors Measure Up? Observations from the Ivory Tower (November 2010)

Publisher’s Column: In Recession or Recovery, CPAs Face Challenges and Opportunities (November 2010)

Tips for Advising Clients on Retirement Planning (November 2010)

The Need for Transparency in PCAOB Disciplinary Proceedings (November 2010)

Improving Audit Quality by Strengthening the PCAOB: Why the Dodd-Frank Act Won’t Prevent the Next Madoff-Style Fraud (October 2010)

Publisher’s Column: Auditing the State Comptroller Candidates (October 2010)

Did Modern Portfolio Theory Fail Investors in the Credit Crisis? (October 2010)

How to Increase Diversity in the Profession (October 2010)

Inbox: Letter to the Editor (October 2010)

Protecting CPAs—and Their Clients—from the Risk of Financing Terrorism: Requirements for Preventing Money Laundering Affect Many Businesses (September 2010)

Publisher’s Column: A Revised Code of Conduct for the New Law (September 2010)

2009 Max Block Awards Presented (September 2010)

Evaluating the SEC’s New ‘Cooperating Witness’ Focus (September 2010)

Correction (September 2010)

A CFO’s Map to Economic Recovery (August 2010)

Publisher’s Column: Law’s Anniversary Is Quiet Reminder to Get It Right (August 2010)

Achieving a Single Global Standard (August 2010)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (August 2010)

The Journey Toward IFRS in the United States (July 2010)

Publisher’s Column: Is There a CPA in the House? (July 2010)

Developments in Accounting Education (July 2010)

Accounting Associations Foster Development (July 2010)

A New Type of Engagement (July 2010)

The Accounting Education Gap: Faculty Perspectives (June 2010)

Rx for Healthcare Reform? CPA Translation (June 2010)

New York Sales Tax Vendors Beware: A Lack of Orderly Records Will Cost You (June 2010)

XBRL: Not Just for Public Companies (June 2010)

Inbox: Letter to the Editor (June 2010)

Capitalizing Lease Payments: Potential Effects of the FASB/IASB Plan (May 2010)

The Power of a Collective Voice (April 2010)

Make the Most of Home Buyer Tax Credits (April 2010)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (April 2010)

Proposed Tax Gap Legislation Erodes Individual Privacy and Protections (April 2010)

Publisher’s Column: Will the Estate Tax Become the Next AMT? (April 2010)

Creating Compelling Client Communications (April 2010)

Inbox: Letter to the Editor (April 2010)

Success Starts with a Strong Skill Set (April 2010)

Transitioning to IFRS: What Should CPAs and Accounting Firms Be Doing? (March 2010)

Publisher’s Column: Living Up To the Pecora Commission’s Legacy (March 2010)

Book Review: Essentials of Business Ethics: Creating an Organization of High Integrity and Superior Performance (March 2010)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (March 2010)

Ponzis and Pyramids: What CPAs Need to Know (February 2010)

Publisher’s Column: Serving the Public Interest (February 2010)

Roth: Still the Right Choice (February 2010)

The Never-Taxed Estate: Why Rich People Should Consider Trophy Wives and Husbands (February 2010)

Inbox: Letter to the Editor (February 2010)

Is the Truth the Problem? The State Fair Value Accounting Under U.S. GAAP (January 2010)

Publisher’s Column: High-School Accounting Needs Broader Scope (January 2010)

A Fraud Case Study: The Skim Sisters (January 2010)

The Proposed Uniform Imprudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (January 2010)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (January 2010)


Jennie May Palen, Accountant and Poet, 1891–1990: The Writing Dimension of Accounting (December 2009)

Publisher’s Column: Bring Back Glass-Steagall (December 2009)

Recognition (December 2009)

Closing the Accounting Talent Gap (December 2009)

Inbox: Letter to the Editor (December 2009)

The Fine Art of Whistleblowing: How to Keep Someone Else’s Misconduct from Becoming Yours (November 2009)

Publisher’s Column: Time to Require a Master’s Degree (November 2009)

Benchmarking Accounting Practices in a Global Economy (November 2009)

Book Review: The Executive’s Guide to Depositions: A Practical Reference Explaining the Deposition Stage of Pre-Trial Discovery in Commercial Litigation (November 2009)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (November 2009)

Paved with Good Intentions: The Road to Better Accounting for Hedges (August 2009)

Publisher’s Column: Industry CPAs Fully Join the Profession (August 2009)

Turning Payroll Pains into Payroll Gains (August 2009)

Book Review: Mastering Accounting Research for the CPA Exam, Second Edition (August 2009)

Early Warning and Quick Response: Accounting in the 21st Century (July 2009)

Publisher’s Column: Tax Amnesty and the State Budget (July 2009)

2008 Max Block Awards Presented (July 2009)

The Evolution of Human Resources Directors’ Responsibilities (July 2009)

Stepping Up Investor Protection (June 2009)

Publisher’s Column: Navigating the State’s New Accountancy Law (June 2009)

Mentoring the Next Generation (June 2009)

From Crisis to Confidence: What Is the Role of Regulation? (June 2009)

Book Review: Accounting Irregularities and Financial Fraud: A Corporate Governance Guide, Third Edition (June 2009)

Tax Issues Raised by Madoff-Related Charity Investment Scandals (May 2009)

Publisher’s Column: Losing Our Moral and Ethical Compass (May 2009)

Letter to the Editor: AICPA Responds to New York Mobility Column (May 2009)

The Systematic Dismantling of the System (May 2009)

Late Adopters Run the Risk of Being Left to Flounder (May 2009)

Keep Politics Out of Accounting Standards: Advice for the Financial Crisis Advisory Group (May 2009)

The Power of Storytelling: Narratives of Forensic Accountants Can Be Crucial (April 2009)

Publisher’s Column: New Law Raises the Bar for Audit Quality (April 2009)

Preparing for IFRS: Great Online Information Sources (April 2009)

Paperless Tax Workflow: Six Best Practices (April 2009)

Book Review: Valuation for Financial Reporting: Fair Value Measurements and Reporting, Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Impairment, Second Edition (April 2009)

‘Excelsior’: The Pursuit of Quality in the CPA Profession (March 2009)

Publisher’s Column: New Law Addresses Mobility for CPAs (March 2009)

Accounting Associations Need Synergies, Not Silos (March 2009)

Book Review: Extraordinary Circumstances: The Journey of a Corporate Whistleblower (March 2009)

Letters to the Editor (March 2009)

Mortgage Fraud (February 2009)

It’s Been a Long Time Coming (February 2009)

Who Was Luca Pacioli? (February 2009)

Correction (February 2009)

Book Review: Corporate Governance Post-Sarbanes-Oxley: Regulations, Requirements, and Integrated Processes (February 2009)


The Inevitable Move to IFRS? (December 2008)

The Only Real Mistakes … (December 2008)

Partnership Tax Allocation May Do More Harm than Good (December 2008)

Web Portals Complement CPAs Serving Small Business (December 2008)

Recognition (December 2008)

Book Review: Business Fairy Tales: Grim Realities of Fictitious Financial Reporting (December 2008)

Letters to the Editor (December 2008)

The Proposed Conceptual Framework: Semantics or Sea Change in Financial Reporting? (November 2008)

Underfunding Public Protection (November 2008)

Why Can’t Pat Audit? (November 2008)

Book Review: Healthcare Fraud: Auditing and Detection Guide (November 2008)

Letters to the Editor (November 2008)

A Practical Approach to Finding Management Override (October 2008)

Putting Taxes into Focus:Evaluating Candidates’ Proposals with the SET Tax (October 2008)

Concentration and Competition in the Auditing Profession (October 2008)

Book Review: Understanding Accounting Ethics, Second Edition (October 2008)

Letters to the Editor (October 2008)

The New 401(k) Landscape: How Plan Sponsors Can Adapt (September 2008)

Let’s Learn to Walk (September 2008)

CPE on the Go! (September 2008)

When Accounting Finally Becomes Global (September 2008)

Inbox: Letters to the Editor (September 2008)

Book Review: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Success as a Personal Financial Planner (September 2008)


The CPA Journal is broadly recognized as an outstanding, technical-refereed publication aimed at public practitioners, management, educators, and other accounting professionals. It is edited by CPAs for CPAs. Our goal is to provide CPAs and other accounting professionals with the information and news to enable them to be successful accountants, managers, and executives in today's practice environments.

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