
at a Crossroad
Eugene H. Flegm
2005 - The accounting profession, broadly defined to include
both private and public CPAs, has been going through a terrible
time. At the start of this century, top-management frauds
at major corporations, including Enron, WorldCom, Parmalat,
Tyco, HealthSouth, Qwest, and Global Crossing, resulted in
the loss of pensions and jobs for thousands of employees;
the dissolution of a major public accounting firm; the discovery
of widespread manipulation of mutual fund accounts for personal
gain or privileged customers; and the fining (by New York
State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer) of 10 major investment
banks $1.4 billion for their part in hyping high-tech stocks
during the infamous stock market bubble of the late 1990s,
the collapse of which resulted in the loss of billions.
Partnoy, a professor at the University of San Diego School
of Law, tells the story in his book Infectious Greed:
How Deceit and Risk Corrupted the Financial Markets
(Henry Holt & Company, 2003) of the financial shenanigans
of the l980s and l990s—beginning with the speculation
in currency options; the $3.6 billion bailout of Long-Term
Capital Management in 1998; and culminating with the collapses
of Enron, Global Crossing, and WorldCom. Partnoy describes
a culture of greed that reached epidemic proportions before
it crashed, the root cause of which I believe to be the
decline in ethical behavior in our society. Moreover, accounting
standards setters introduced into this climate changes in
the measurement base that facilitated mismanagement of earnings
by unscrupulous executives. This was exacerbated by the
CPA profession’s focus on fees instead of audits.
Some observers have also pointed to the general lack of
ethics in MBA programs during this period. Dennis Gioia,
a professor of organizational behavior in the department
of management and organization of Pennsylvania State University,
referenced this in a speech to the Academy of Management
in 2002, noting that the call of stock price on Wall Street
is very strong and quite seductive. He concluded that, “We
are training and turning out a very skilled group of people
from our programs. But we shouldn’t be surprised if
some cynical observers conclude that we are also turning
out some very skilled criminals.”
contributed to the problem by underfunding regulatory agencies,
principally the SEC, thus preventing it from having the
people to dig into problem areas in the manner of the bank
investigations performed by Eliot Spitzer (see “The
Investigation,” by John Cassady, The New Yorker,
April 7, 2003). Furthermore, many corporate boards and audit
committees performed their duties perfunctorily at best.
Finally, this environment existed in the short-term speculative
culture of the stock market. All of this, plus the movement
to a fair-value measurement base, has resulted in the profession’s
finding itself at a point in time when the very existence
of the independent public accounting sector of the profession
is in doubt.
in the Real World
likes to work and live with people that have a positive
attitude. In medicine, sports, business, and just living,
it is better to have a positive outlook. Doctors will tell
you that if you think your illness is hopeless, there is
a good chance it is. In sports, great stories are made by
teams that looked beaten, but a coach rallied and changed
the players’ attitudes and made them winners. It is
true also in business and life that if you think you will
fail, you probably will. One’s attitude, however,
must be tempered by facts, and certainly a Pollyanna view
is to be avoided.
a living involves basic conflicts that we must recognize
when we look at how we can forestall repeats of the egregious
frauds we’ve experienced recently. Every organization,
be it a Boy Scout troop, sports team, social club, business,
and certainly a military unit, strives for a bonding, a
feeling of the Three Musketeers: “All for one and
one for all.” That bonding is sought by every organizational
leader, and although it is generally a good thing, it can
be, and was, abused—badly—in the recent financial
Johnson wrote of this in a March 20, 2005, Washington
Post column. She noted that the sheer number of subordinates
facing criminal charges belies the myth that a small group
of devious executives carried out these recent frauds. She
noted that it seemed apparent that many workers in these
companies vowed loyalty not to ethical practices or even
to the company, but to charismatic leaders who came to personify
their businesses. Why do basically honest people keep their
mouths shut during a fraud? Why do they obey instructions
they know are wrong? Because since the time they were in
kindergarten they had been told, “Don’t be a
tattletale.” They learn to “go along to get
along.” And there is the bonding: the loyalty to one’s
family, team, group, employer, and country.
major factor is fear of the loss of a chance for a promotion
or even fear of the loss of one’s job. I know personally
the extreme difficulty of being the lone naysayer on the
“team,” because I was a professional “black
hat,” a nickname given me by a chairman who noticed
that whenever the then–current CFO had bad news in
the form of an unfavorable variance from forecast earnings,
he would bring me along to discuss the results with the
chairman, while I was not asked to accompany the CFO to
deliver good news. The chairman quickly picked up on this
pattern, hence his comment: “Uh oh, it’s bad
news: You brought the man in the black hat along.”
preceding also illustrates another flaw in our society’s
behavior. As noted earlier, optimistic coworkers are preferable
to pessimistic ones. Many CEOs prefer to surround themselves
with people who not only think the way they do but who support
their proposals rather than criticize them. The best CEOs,
however, recognize the need for a “no-man” rather
than only “yes-men.” If Richard Nixon had had
one trusted “no-man” staffer who would have
put the kibosh on the Watergate break-in plan, he would
have served out his second term.
a “black hat” is often less pleasant, however.
Consider the case of David Graham, a 20-year veteran of
the FDA. As profiled in Fortune (January 24, 2005),
he blew the whistle on Merck’s Vioxx in the summer
of 2004. Graham went on to give explosive testimony before
a Senate committee in November 2004, criticizing the FDA’s
drug-safety oversight procedures. He told Fortune:
“It’s been the roughest six months of my career.
The sense I get is that I’m an enemy, a traitor.”
Sadly, this has been the usual experience for whistleblowers
who are revealed. Similarly interesting to note is the reaction
in June 2005 to the disclosure that high-ranking FBI official
Mark Felt was the most famous whistleblower of all time,
“Deep Throat.”
success in the “greed is good” culture that
has pervaded business for the past 30 years is another major
factor in the behavior of employees. Charles Prince, who
became CEO of the troubled Citigroup corporation in October
2003, was interviewed for a Fortune article (November
29, 2004). Commenting on the problems Citigroup had experienced
in the past year, which resulted in $8 billion in charges
related to questionable practices and the dismissal of three
officers, he said, “I never thought that you had to
say to people, ‘We want to grow aggressively—but
don’t forget not to break the law.’” (The
AP reported in June 2005 that Citigroup paid $2 billion
to settle the class-action suits filed by Enron investors
for its role in helping Enron orchestrate the fraud that
led to Enron’s collapse. This was in addition to the
$2.58 billion that Citigroup paid to WorldCom investors
for the same reason in 2004. Nine other banks—JPMorgan
Chase, Barclays, Credit Suisse First Boston, Merrill Lynch,
Toronto Dominion Bank, Royal Bank of Canada, Deutsche Bank,
and Royal Bank of Scotland—were also named in the
suit and have settlements pending.) Recently, the Economist
echoed Professor Gioia’s comments when it cited an
article by Sumantra Ghoshal in which he argued that many
of the “worst excesses of recent management practices
have their roots in a set of ideas that have emerged from
business-school academics over the last 30 years”
(February 19, 2005).
accounting became infected also. Professor Arthur Wyatt
spoke of this problem in his speech at the 2003 American
Accounting Association’s annual meeting: “Just
as greed appears to have been the driving force at many
of the companies that have failed … greed became a
force to contend with in the accounting firms.” [See
The CPA Journal, “Accountants’ Responsibilities
and Morality (Accounting Professionalism: A Fundamental
Problem and the Quest for Fundamental Solutions),”
March 2004.] The same factors that influence employees also
influence the public accountant. The goal of every new hire
by a public accounting firm is to “make partner.”
That desire is fine so long as it is pursued in an ethical
and professional manner. Argumentative
clients can make this very difficult, however. Much of the
pressure to please the client stems from the action of the
Federal Trade Commission in the late 1970s, when it decided
that public accounting was a commodity and that accountants
should be allowed to advertise and compete—it has
been all downhill since then.
to Do
from the preceding that underlying human traits can and
do cause major frauds, what can be done to control, if not
prevent, fraud from recurring?
recognize that while we want to control all fraud, top-management
fraud deserves our primary focus because that fraud can
and has brought down companies. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOA)
is a major step toward controlling fraud through fear of
imprisonment and or fines. Establishing the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) was another step in such
control as it replaced the AICPA and self-regulation for
public accountants. Both are after the fact, however, and
therefore give no relief in the actual performance of corporate
accountants’ or auditors’ duties. Edward Deming,
the brilliant quality-control engineer who was scorned in
the United States in the 1950s and went to Japan, where
his message was taken to heart, commented on quality at
a meeting at General Motors many years ago: “Americans
plan to keep the production lines running and then inspect
quality after the fact.”
build quality into products, we should do a far better job
of teaching ethical behavior. That is more easily said than
done, however, especially considering how strongly embedded
“Greed is good” has become. James Copeland,
retired CEO of Deloitte & Touche, wrote in the March
2005 Accounting Horizons about the myriad factors
that may have caused our ethical crisis: the decline in
religious faith; the impact of the breakdown of the family
structure; the rise of a drug culture; the deterioration
of our education system; the impact of the entertainment
and Internet society, where anything goes; and government
itself. Commenting on the pressure on corporate accountants
and auditors from aggressive senior management, he said:
“Ethical decisions can have negative repercussions,
but integrity and character come with a price tag. If they
were free, everybody would have them. But today, we are
discovering that the cost of integrity and character is
cheap compared to the cost of not having them.”
we should be attempting to change our culture, more must
done. Two areas that must be strengthened are solving theory
applications that are in contention, and eliminating the
high degree of subjectivity involved in the application
of fair-value statements such as FASB Interpretation 133.
The SEC has long had a process for reviewing difficult accounting
questions, but its use has been generally limited to proxy
filings. This writer believes that SOA should be amended
to establish a legal review authority to require significant
accounting disputes be brought to the SEC for settlement.
Penalties should be provided, and senior management should
be made aware of such rules and penalties. This would give
the auditor a process to resolve a dispute with the client
and provide something of a heat shield. (It would also provide
the same protection for the corporate accountant as well.)
In addition, SOA should be amended to specifically require
companies to establish a whistleblower procedure, historically
a reliable method of finding fraud. (SOA currently provides
for protection of whistleblowers in section 806.) Given
anonymity, people will tell of abusive practices, but such
calls must be validated, because they can also be motivated
by vengeance or malice, with no basis in fact.
Fair-Value Controversy
area of concern is FASB’s move to fair value as the
measurement base. Although both SOA and the PCAOB ignored
this issue, it has the potential (as Enron demonstrated)
to have fatal consequences when misused by unscrupulous
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 established the Securities
and Exchange Commission and mandated that the SEC set accounting
standards. (Only five such “standards” existed
at that time.) Carmen Blough, the first SEC chief accountant,
wanted the AICPA to take action on standards setting, but
after two years of waiting, he lost patience and told the
Institute that if it did not move at once, then he would.
The AICPA formed the Committee of Accounting Procedure forthwith,
and in 1938 the SEC delegated its authority to the AICPA
by a 3–2 vote. (This was probably not permitted under
the 1934 act, but it has gone unchallenged.) Over the next
35 years, the AICPA and academics wrestled over standards
setting. In 1959, they decided that they needed some sort
of general theory, a constitution as the basis for setting
standards rather than the ad hoc approach used up to then.
(In 1940, W.A. Paton and A.C. Littleton published An
Introduction to Corporate Accounting Standards, which,
while still the most widely used exposition on the subject,
has never gained formal recognition.) When the Accounting
Principles Board was formed, professors Robert Sprouse and
Maurice Moonitz were asked to prepare a constitution, and
“Accounting Research Study 3, A Tentative Set of Broad
Accounting Principles for Business Enterprises,” was
produced. The project was viewed as too radical, however,
and was never completed.
1972, pressure built up again for a better approach. The
AICPA formed two committees. One, named the Trueblood Committee
after its chairman, then–managing partner of Touche,
Ross & Co. Robert M. Trueblood, produced the Objective
of Financial Statements. The other, named the Wheat Committee
after its chairman, SEC commissioner Francis Wheat, was
to determine how accounting standards should be established.
FASB was the result of its report, “Establishing Financial
Accounting Standards.”
1976, FASB issued a revolutionary document, the Discussion
Memorandum on the Conceptual Framework for Accounting. It
proposed turning the accounting world upside down. Although
the income statement and the matching concept had been the
primary focus of financial reporting since the Paton and
Littleton monograph in l940, FASB changed that focus to
the balance sheet. The basis for this proposal was the Trueblood
Report’s reference to an economic concept of income.
The report stated, “Accounting measurements of earnings
(income) should recognize the notion of economic better-offness,
but should be directed specifically to the enterprise’s
success in using cash to generate maximum cash.” However,
as Eldon Hendrickson pointed out in his Accounting Theory
(3rd ed., 1977), there is a contradiction in this goal,
because, “The former goal is the concept of capital
maintenance and the latter goal is another form of the profit
maximization concept or measurement of efficiency.”
Because measuring capital maintenance is difficult, if not
impossible, the pragmatic accountant focuses on profit maximization.
future chairmen of General Motors, Thomas A. Murphy and
Roger B. Smith, were involved in the preceding. Murphy was
a member of the founding board of trustees of the Financial
Accounting Foundation. Smith was a member of the Wheat Committee.
Murphy had been comptroller when I joined GM in 1967. When
FASB issued the conceptual framework in 1976, Murphy, then
an executive vice president, asked me to “get into
this in depth.” I drafted the GM response to the exposure
draft, which included a strong defense of the historic cost
measurement base as well as references to the Paton and
Littleton monograph. The draft was routed to and approved
by Frederic G. Donner (retired chairman of GM) and Andrew
Barr, then–SEC chief accountant and a good friend
of Donner.
17 years, I represented GM on the Committee on Corporate
Reporting of what is now Financial Executives International,
working with the committee to persuade FASB not to pursue
an economic view of income. Professor Gary Previts and I
worked with the AAA, conducting seminars with accounting
professors and corporate controllers for 10 years, attempting
to demonstrate how accounting was used in business. I have
done this from the perspective of an auditor who wants data
that is auditable and from the perspective of a corporate
officer preparing data used to judge divisional performances
as well as the overall corporate performance. Much of what
some of us in business have done has been to no avail. We
are, as one professor declared, the “foxes in the
henhouse”; or as a former FASB member told me, “I
don’t believe you have any business even being involved
at all; you are who we are trying to control.” Unfortunately,
from what I have witnessed these past three years, FASB
is doing a poor job of controlling anyone.
its standards, FASB gave the individuals behind at least
four major frauds—Enron, Qwest, Global Crossing, and
Parmalat—the tools to defraud their stockholders.
FASB was a part of the problem when it should be part of
the solution. Derivatives are extremely complicated to evaluate
under the best circumstances, but when such assets are required
to be written up to a presumed “market value,”
or 30-year executory contracts are required to be discounted
to present value, abuse is almost inevitable. When PCAOB
board member Charles D. Niemeier spoke at the AICPA Annual
SEC and PCAOB Conference in December 2004, he said: “The
most disturbing aspect of Enron and similar scandals was
not that what was done was wrong, but that what was done
was right. Enron did not ignore the rules and regulations,
but instead took them and used them to achieve results that
were never intended.”
Energy, an oil and gas offshore-exploration company in which
Enron held a controlling interest, was required by FASB
rules to apply fair-value accounting to its oil reserves,
and it did. In October 2003, the SEC charged Mariner’s
former chief accounting officer (CAO) with fraud (Litigation
Release No. 18403). The charge states in part: “Enron,
through Colwell [the CAO] and others, fraudulently inflated
the value of its largest private merchant asset, Mariner
Energy, Inc. … In the fourth quarter of 2000, Enron
needed an additional $100 million of earnings to achieve
budget targets. … To meet this need, Colwell and others
fraudulently increased the recorded value of Mariner by
approximately $100 million.” Business Week
(February l5, 2002) reported that the Enron Risk Assessment
& Control Group began offering valuation ranges of from
$80 to $350 million to Enron during that period, which seemed
to indicate, “Take your pick. What do you need?”
problems with such valuations began with the conceptual
framework. The Trueblood Committee dealt not only with an
economist’s view of the world but with a utopian one
as well. The committee never considered that a certain percentage
of people are dishonest, are unethical, and sometimes get
into positions to take advantage of the honest people in
the world. Moreover, it chose to ignore the responsibility
of any standards setter to reduce, not increase, the subjectivity
of accounting. And, most important, it changed the basic
emphasis of financial reporting from a report to absentee
owners attesting to managements’ (agents) successful
stewardship and accountability, to a report to potential
investors reflecting the company’s potential (assuming
that this could be expressed in dollars).
no regulatory body, including Congress or the SEC, has criticized
FASB for its part in enabling frauds. The broad-reaching
SOA is silent on the actions of FASB. The PCAOB is properly
focused on public accounting, but action on the use of value-based
“measurements” as well would be appropriate.
FASB chairman Dennis R. Beresford has written of the increasing
complexity of accounting standards, citing the August 2004
report of the PCAOB on its initial reviews of the Big Four
(The CPA Journal, December 2004). He noted that
all four firms had missed the fact that some clients had
misapplied EITF Issue 95-22, which deals with the balance-sheet
classification of borrowings under revolving lines of credit.
He noted KPMG’s response: “Three knowledgeable
informed bodies—the firm, the PCAOB, and the SEC—had
reached three different conclusions on the proper accounting,”
and pointed out that today companies are subject to quadruple
jeopardy because there are at least four levels of possible
second-guessing: 1) the external auditors; 2) the SEC; 3)
the PCAOB; and 4) a law firm for a plaintiff. Regarding
this last point, remember that under SAS 99 the auditor
is now more responsible for the detection of fraud.
comments regarding fair-value accounting are particularly
interesting. Although he continued to defend fair-value
accounting in some cases, he expressed concerns about its
wide use, citing FASB Interpretation 45 in particular. This
standard, covering guarantees, states that a fair value
must be recorded even when the company does not expect to
have to make good on a guarantee. He opines:
have three major concerns about such pervasive use of
fair value accounting. First, in many cases determining
fair value in any kind of objective way will be difficult
if not impossible. Second, the resulting accounting will
produce answers that won’t benefit users of financial
statements. Third, those answers will be very difficult
to explain to business managers, with the result that
accounting will be further discredited in their minds.
The approach that FASB is using for what I would call
operating liabilities is particularly troubling. Take,
for example, a company that owns and operates a facility
that has some asbestos contamination. The facility is
safe and can be operated indefinitely, but if the company
wanted to sell the property it would have to remediate
that contamination. The company has no plans to sell the
property. But FASB’s exposure draft on conditional
asset retirement obligations calls for the company to
estimate and record a fair value liability.
goes on to question FASB’s plans to revise revenue
recognition, basing it on fair value: “This may well
make revenue accounting even more complicated than the detailed
rules that we are least used to working with.” He
concludes that, “Fair value definitely makes sense
in certain instances, but FASB seems intent on extending
the notion beyond the boundaries of common sense.”
In response to Beresford, I personally believe the use of
fair-value estimates is appropriate only in the application
of the rule “lower of cost or market” and in
mergers involving stock rather than cash when appraisals
of assets have to be made—and even those are often
not accurate.
is my belief that FASB pursues the fair-value measurement
base out of hubris. Twenty-five years ago, one FASB board
member responded to a question about FASB’s role in
business by saying, “Our role is to defend free enterprise
and preserve the capital markets of our country.”
FASB may still believe it is doing that, and although one
would hope the frauds of the past few years would give it
pause, the defenders of fair value repeatedly argue it is
more relevant than old historical costs. I would argue that
no data can be relevant if it is not reliable, and the reliability
of historic costs is far more valuable than the accumulation
of statistical probabilities offered in fair-value accounting.
does not recognize that the greatest risk any company faces
is strategic risk. A notable example is Sony: In 2000, Sony’s
stock price hit $140; today it is around $40. The company
failed to recognize the changes in the electronics business:
digital music-players (the popularity of the iPod overtook
Sony’s long-time dominance of the field with its Walkman),
and television (Sony missed the shift to flat-screen television).
More and Bigger Frauds
is written about the need to provide investors with financial
data that reflects the value of the company. While accounting
is vital to the successful management of a company, many
nonfinancial drivers in addition to strategic risk are only
indirectly reflected in earnings, including market share;
product quality and design; speed to market; innovation;
talented employees; leadership; and ethics. If the move
to fair value continues, we will not only see more and bigger
frauds, but we will soon have three sets of books: one based
on historic cost and used to control and evaluate employees
and management and to report on their stewardship; a second
to meet the requirements of the IRS; and a third to prepare
fair value–based financial statements for regulatory
move to a third set of books is well under way. In May 2005,
the AICPA Council endorsed a dedicated effort to explore
changes to GAAP for private companies. The AICPA task force
report on this project notes that only 17,000 of the nation’s
4.9 million corporations are registered with the SEC, thus
raising the question of whether all of those private companies
are being well served by the GAAP being formulated by FASB.
Obviously if FASB’s goal is serving the investment
community, it is not considering private companies. Ordinarily
one would think that GAAP should be the same for everyone.
However, the emphasis of the stock market on the short term
is a very disruptive force in financial reporting. As public
company managers are pressured to predict earnings and then
to “hit those targets or else,” an unhealthy
business climate is the result.
news service Knight Ridder carried an interesting story
in January 2005 in this regard about ING Direct Bank, a
Dutch-owned lender operating in the United States. Noting
its steady growth since it opened in 2000, its CEO, Arkadi
Kuhlmann, said that although the bank is publicly traded,
with its European investor base, it is protected from activist
U.S. investors in search of a quick profit.
sets some significant rules to prevent or at least limit
the vast management frauds we have seen and to preserve
an independent public accounting profession. Section 404
has awakened everyone to the hazards of unethical and illegal
behavior. Although not enough was done to ensure strong
boards of directors, SOA strengthened the audit committee
of the board. I would have liked to have seen as much attention
paid to requiring a truly independent compensation committee.
The internal control environment is spelled out quite well
in the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) report
on internal control, and SOA will give it teeth. I also
would have preferred that every publicly owned company be
required to set up a whistleblower hotline. And of course
every company should have an internal auditor who reports
to the audit committee as well as to the CEO.
I submit
that FASB has outlived its usefulness and that the SEC,
adequately funded, should exercise its 1934 mandate and
take full control of accounting standards. Furthermore,
the SEC should also reaffirm the use of historic cost as
the measurement base, and the basic need for the attestation
by an independent public accountant as to the stewardship
of management. This would reduce the subjectivity of accounting
and aid in presenting auditable data. In addition, I believe
we should provide the heat shield that I outlined for the
public accountant and for the corporate accountant, recognizing
that we are dealing with human beings who can (and will)
be pressured and tempted to manipulate accounting data.
If, instead, we continue the march to fair value, the result
will be more major frauds and probably the end of an independent
public accounting profession.
goal should not be to serve short-term speculators but instead
to serve the stewardship interests of the long-term owner
and to stop top-management fraud.
H. Flegm, CPA, CFE, was the general auditor for General
Motors Corp. before his retirement.
note: Dennis R. Beresford’s December 2004
article (“Can We Go Back to the Good Old Days?”),
referenced herein, won The CPA Journal’s 2004 Max
Block Distinguished Article Award for Best Article in the
Area of Informed Comment and is available online at www.cpajournal.com.
photos courtesy of the Accounting Hall of Fame and Daniel
L. Jensen, Deloitte & Touche Professor Emeritus of Accounting
at Ohio State University.