the Control Environment Using a Balanced Scorecard Approach
Joseph H. Callaghan, Arline Savage, and Steven Mintz
2007 - Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX)
requires that companies subject to the Securities and Exchange
Act of 1934 include in their annual reports a report of management
on the company’s internal control over financial reporting.
This must contain management’s assessment and a statement
of the effectiveness of the controls. Almost no guidance,
however, has been provided on how to evaluate the critical
component of internal controls: the control environment. The
control environment reflects top management’s awareness
and commitment to the importance of controls throughout the
organization, and encompasses management integrity, ethical
values, and operating philosophy. The key to successful internal
control is having a control environment that sets a tone of
integrity which influences the ethical and control consciousness
of employees.
The external auditor reviews
management’s report and makes an independent evaluation
as part of an integrated audit of internal controls and
financial statements. The auditor issues separate reports
that provide “reasonable assurance”: The auditor’s
internal control report provides reasonable assurance concerning
whether the company maintained, in all material respects,
effective internal control over financial reporting. The
audit report provides reasonable assurance concerning whether
the financial statements fairly present financial position,
results of operations, and changes in cash flows.
to PCAOB Auditing Standard (AS) 2, An Audit of Internal
Control Over Financial Reporting Performed in Conjunction
with an Audit of Financial Statements (March 9, 2004),
the concept of reasonable assurance should be understood
to mean that the likelihood that material misstatements
will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis is remote—while
not absolute, reasonable assurance represents a high level
of assurance.
Control Assessment
is required to base its assessment of the company’s
internal control over financial reporting on a suitable
and recognized framework. The framework identified in AS
2 is the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations’ (COSO)
framework described in its Internal Control—Integrated
Framework (1992).
emphasizes changing the corporate culture to proactively
establish the systems that would prevent fraudulent financial
reporting. It starts with the “tone at the top.”
Top management should set an ethical tone that filters throughout
the organization.
COSO framework defines internal control as a process, effected
by an entity’s board of directors, management, and
other personnel, that is designed to provide reasonable
assurance of the following objectives: 1) effectiveness
and efficiency of operations; 2) reliability of financial
reporting; and 3) compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
uses the concept of internal control described in Statement
on Auditing Standard (SAS) 55, Consideration of Internal
Control in a Financial Statement Audit (1988), which
identifies five interrelated components of internal control:
The control environment sets the tone of an organization,
influencing the control consciousness of its people. It
is the foundation for all aspects of internal control,
providing discipline and structure. Of particular importance
is that the control environment is influenced by the integrity
and ethical values of those in leadership positions within
the organization and reflected in the tone set by top
- Risk
assessment is the entity’s identification and
evaluation of how risk might affect the achievement of
- Control
activities are the strategic actions established
by management to ensure that its directives are carried
- Information
and communication systems provide the information
in a form and at a time that enables people to carry out
their responsibilities.
- Monitoring
is a process that assesses the efficiency and effectiveness
of internal controls over time.
F. Castellano and Susan S. Lightle point out in “Using
Cultural Audits to Assess Tone at the Top” (The
CPA Journal, February 2005) that tone affects corporate
culture by influencing how top management might react to
situational pressures, such as meeting internal budget amounts
or financial analysts’ earnings expectations. A strong
control environment supported by an ethical tone at the
top is the cornerstone of a system of internal controls
that supports the financial reporting oversight role of
the audit committee.
and Lightle suggest that a “cultural audit”
would provide a means for assessing the tone at the top
and the attitude toward internal controls and ethical decision-making.
They believe that such an audit can play an important role
in helping management shape an ethical climate within the
organization and in helping directors and auditors assess
the effectiveness of internal controls. The external auditors
would include in their internal control assessments and
risk management profiles a process designed to assess the
tone at the top and its impact on a company’s culture.
The authors do not identify issues to be raised or specific
questions to address in the cultural audit, but do point
out that an assessment of the situational pressures should
be an important part of the process.
A more
comprehensive and effective way to evaluate the control
environment and the oversight role of the audit committee—including
how these processes affect stakeholders both inside and
outside the organization—is to use a balanced scorecard
balanced scorecard was developed in the 1990s by Robert
S. Kaplan, a Harvard Business School professor, and David
P. Norton, founder and president of the Balanced Scorecard
Collaborative. The balanced scorecard is an internal assessment,
improvement, and reporting system. It supplies key indicators
to management. The key to the scorecard’s success
is the link to the entity’s strategic plan, which
includes dimensions beyond traditional financial performance
measures. Customer and internal process measures were added,
along with a mechanism for improving managerial performance
over time. The successful implementation of this management
system turns strategy into action.
conventional scorecard measures performance by combining
financial measures with nonfinancial measures, from the
following perspectives: 1) financial; 2) customer; 3) internal
business processes; and 4) learning and growth. The balancing
is done by including nonfinancial measures (customer, internal
business processes, and learning and growth) alongside financial
accounting measures. Inducing improved performance to meet
the objectives of the strategic plan requires monitoring
the entity’s obligations to its traditional stakeholders,
the most common being stockholders, creditors, customers,
and employees. Those obligations rely on ethical systems
that produce accurate, reliable, and transparent financial
thorough assessment of the entity’s business processes
is needed to align them with these obligations, and hence
to the business strategy. Learning-and-growth opportunities
facilitate improvements to business processes, and also
require that management and employees change their behavior
when necessary. The changes can support a stronger control
environment brought about by an ethical tone set by top
management. Exhibit
1 presents an expanded view of the major stakeholders
affected by the control environment and describes how this
view influences internal processes and external reporting.
traditional balanced scorecard is directed at managerial
performance, with the balancing accomplished by including
nonfinancial measures in the assessment. In the dimensions
of the balanced scorecard presented by the authors in Exhibit
2, the traditional “customers” category
becomes “external indirect stakeholders,” whereas
customers are included under “external direct stakeholders,”
along with investors and vendors. Thus, traditional financial
measures are expanded to include metrics on all external
stakeholders, and a new dimension for indirect external
stakeholders is added. This permits the systematic incorporation
of measures related to the indirect stakeholders of the
company. Often these groups, through regulatory or political
action, bring performance considerations that would otherwise
be ignored by managers. Inclusion of this dimension would
lift the time horizon that managers face by including emerging,
possibly strategic, issues. After all, the “customers”
of managerial performance are the various classes of stakeholders,
who bring various measures of performance. This framework
provides a change from narrowly defined direct stakeholders
(e.g., managers and customers) to wider categories of stakeholders.
this approach, organizational performance has external measures
related to external direct stakeholders (the traditional
“customers” category), balanced by external
measures related to external indirect stakeholders. The
external measures are coupled with analogous internal measures,
also broken down on a direct and indirect stakeholder basis.
The internal direct stakeholder absorbs the traditional
internal processes category, while an internal indirect
stakeholder dimension is added, directed toward high-level
corporate governance structures, including the board of
directors and various subcommittees (e.g., the audit committee).
The traditional learning-and-growth measures are incorporated
not as a dimension per se, but as a mechanism to motivate
managers to learn, grow, and reassess the more logical dimensions
of the new balanced scorecard. Both external and internal
measurement sets are built on a foundation of ethics and
supported by the new internal indirect corporate governance
standard financial analysis measures related to direct external
stakeholders (i.e., shareholders and creditors) should be
gathered and standardized. For example, traditional profitability,
liquidity, leverage (risk), and growth measures arising
from financial statement analysis can be compared to industry
norms. These analyses (especially those related to financial
distress, operating risk, and financial risk) would provide
insight not only into future shareholder return, but also
into any risk associated with financial environments conducive
to potential unethical behavior, including questionable
earnings management techniques.
Unsound financial environments and business models may be
breeding grounds for earnings and balance-sheet manipulations,
which are manifestations of unethical financial reporting.
In addition, earnings manipulation (e.g., the overuse of
accruals relative to an industry average), financial risk,
and an analysis of financial forecasts are additional sources
of empirical information that bear on the ethical risk environment.
Customers and vendors, now included under external direct
stakeholders, would have measures (e.g., sales returns,
warranty work, and survey data) included in this category.
indirect stakeholders vary by organization. For example,
an oil refinery would rank an environmental coalition higher
than a financial services company would. Once important
parties are identified, empirical measures of these groups’
perceptions could be gathered in several ways, including
the number of adverse media reports, SEC complaints, pending
lawsuits, class-action lawsuits, and surveys.
direct measures include traditional internal process measures
(e.g. throughput, manufacturing efficiency, and product-quality
measures) as well as formal 360-degree assessment measures.
For internal indirect stakeholders, measurements would include
formal questionnaire-based survey results.
of Control Environment, Including Tone at the Top
approach to implementing the learning-and-growth and ethical
aspects of the balanced scorecard is to use an assessment
instrument. Proper assessment of internal processes leads
to implied learning-and-growth opportunities for organizational
improvement. The cultural audit recommended by Castellano
and Lightle is a good starting point.
opportunities provide a mechanism to improve internal processes.
Improved processes and behavior should improve stakeholders’
satisfaction. Improved societal and stakeholder satisfaction
increases legitimacy and improves long-term financial performance
of the organization and, at the aggregate level, the market-based
economy itself.
following section illustrates a framework for a balanced
scorecard that includes traditional measures along with
the new dimensions proposed above. Specifically, the framework
incorporates areas and questions that might provide the
basis to assess the control environment, including the tone
at the top. These areas include a code of ethics, the internal
environment for employees, the internal environment for
financial reporting, management’s report on internal
controls, and corporate governance (covering both the board
of directors’ responsibilities and the audit committee’s
Balanced Scorecard Illustration
3 provides an example of an overall report based on
the new balanced scorecard developed in the previous section.
It is tied to board members and top managers evaluated by
the system. All categories are represented with weights
presumably tied to the strategies of the company.
4 illustrates metrics that could be used by the board-management
assessment and motivational system. The desired balance
is reflected in the weights used (drawn from a company’s
strategies and priorities) in index compilation. If the
actual weighted scores differ, then organizational goals
and priorities are not being met, implying a need to either
change them or change management behavior.
the elements and their weights, where applicable to a manager
or board member, would be company-specific and driven by
the strategies and motivational weighting assigned to the
performance metric by the system. This drill-down from the
aggregate report would not only provide feedback (and possible
compensatory effects), it would also suggest the learning
interventions needed for the organization to meet its goals.
5 provides a structured questionnaire for assessing
the tone at the top and corporate governance aspects of
the system. It emphasizes the ethics of the internal control
environment, including management’s report on internal
controls and the responsibilities of the board of directors
and the audit committee. The assessment is driven by requirements
of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
a Coherent Strategy
authors have developed a more balanced “balanced scorecard”
board and management appraisal system, which generates behavior
that not only promotes organizational strategies, but does
so in a way that promotes ethical behavior. Developing the
empirical measures of a balanced managerial assessment can
be a challenge, and the process must be specific to the
organization. Properly identifying and weighing the measures
across these dimensions is key to implementation success.
Each organization would have to struggle with these problems.
On the other hand, established rating agencies (e.g., Standard
& Poor’s for bond ratings) have successfully confronted
these difficult issues. The use of multivariate statistical
techniques, along with post-hoc analysis of failures, can
improve weighting schemes over time. Finally, good-faith
attempts to measure managerial performance are preferable
to no attempt at all, if there is a recognition that the
organization’s success and ultimate viability depend
upon societal acceptance of its managerial performance in
fulfilling its explicit and implicit obligations.
implemented well, the proposed balanced scorecard system
should force management to articulate a coherent strategy
built on a commitment to ethical behavior—learning
that is to be communicated and implemented throughout the
organization. The system helps to establish the parameters
of an internal control environment that promotes actions
based on integrity and ethical values. The tone set by top
management should encourage effective and ethical internal
processes that help to meet external reporting obligations
and provide growth opportunities for the employees.
authors have presented a new balanced scorecard approach
to incorporating stakeholder interests and internal dimensions
of the organization with the evaluation of the control environment.
The issues raised and the questions suggested can be viewed
as best practices to be implemented by an organization based
on its unique needs. Regardless of the controls in place
and the assessment process, what is most important is to
have a broad-based organizational commitment to integrity
and ethical values that creates a control environment which
helps top management resist the pressure to manage earnings.
H. Callaghan, JD, PhD, is a professor of accounting
at the School of Business Administration of Oakland University,
Rochester, Mich. Arline Savage, PhD, CPA,
is an associate professor of accounting, and Steven
Mintz, DBA, CPA, is chair and professor of accounting,
both at the Orfalea College of Business of California Polytechnic
State University, San Luis Obispo, Calif.