Accounting Rules for Postretirement Benefits
November 10, 2005, FASB added a comprehensive project to
its agenda to reconsider accounting for pensions and other
postretirement benefits. The impetus for adding this topic
to the agenda was partly the SEC’s release in June
2005 of “Report and Recommendations Pursuant to Section
401(c) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 on Arrangements
with Off–Balance Sheet Implications, Special Purpose
Entities, and Transparency of Filings by Issuers.”
Quality over Quantity
Moving up the ladder in the accounting profession isn’t
easy for entry-level CPAs. To succeed in today’s complex
business environment, recent accounting graduates need to
enter the workforce with an arsenal of disparate skills.
On the one hand, entry-level CPAs need the “right
brain” technical knowledge that has become increasingly
important for accountants. Full
Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance Costs
think everyone would agree that the costs of complying with
section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) have
been excessive. I also think that something needs to be
done to reduce the costs for nonaccelerated filers, because
they are expected to be relatively more significant than
those for most accelerated filers. Full
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