Flaws in Sarbanes-Oxley Implementation
Bernard H. Newman and Mary Ellen Oliverio
2006 - Discontent with the implementation of the Sarbanes-Oxley
Act of 2002 (SOX) by the Public Company Accounting Oversight
Board (PCAOB) continues. Both the SEC and the PCAOB recognized
that serious problems persist when they held a second roundtable
on May 10, 2006. In a press release announcing this second
meeting, acting PCAOB chairman Bill Gradison stated, “I
am very much open to suggestions to make the internal control
assessment process more efficient, including modifications
of the PCAOB’s auditing standard and other actions the
Board could undertake.” The
234 comment letters related to the first roundtable meeting
in April 2005 included expressions of discontent beyond
the cost and insufficient guidance for internal control
assessment. Gradison’s reference to “other actions”
was reassuring. Comments in some letters, illustrative of
perceived flaws in the implementation of SOX, included the
requirements … seem largely unrelated to the root
cause of the scandal-based business failures of the past
several years—fraudulent behavior by senior managers
of a small minority of corporations. [A]
“one-size-fits-all” strategy that leads to
check lists, focuses on form of documentation rather than
the substance of the matter.
recognize that public accounting firms have been under the
microscope for several years. The Public Oversight Board
was ineffective, and consequently disbanded itself early
in the new century.
this environment, it is not surprising that accounting firms
have taken a very conservative approach to the implementation
of the internal control standard. The focus is on “will
this pass the inspection?”
Flaws in Implementation
for comments often provide a list of questions to be answered.
In the requests for comment letters for both the first and
second roundtables, however, respondents were not given
questions; they were allowed to respond in any manner they
chose. Therefore, comments were made that went beyond the
specific guidance of Auditing Standard 2, An Audit of
Internal Control over Financial Reporting Performed in Conjunction
with an Audit of Financial Statements. The authors’
review focused on comments that went beyond the plea for
more detailed guidance or relief from the cost of meeting
AS 2’s requirements. Among such comments were the
following perceived flaws:
1: Redundancy of opinions by auditors. SOX
section 404 merely states the following:
respect to the internal control assessment required by
subsection (a) each registered public accounting firm
that prepares or issues the audit report for the issuer
shall attest to, and report on, the assessment made by
the management of the issuer.
statement does not require two opinions. However, implementing
section 404 resulted in two opinions. In the authors’
search for a discussion of the rationale that led the PCAOB
to go beyond what was required in section 404, no information
was discovered.
then, was the rationale? On what basis was what is perceived
to be redundant justified? What is achieved by two opinions?
The extent of repetitive activity, often without identification
of risks, is perceived to have little relevance in assuring
that internal controls are adequate.
this point, no evidence is available to explain why section
404’s requirement was deemed to be insufficient. The
auditor’s responsibility for internal control as it
relates to performing a sufficient audit should be revisited.
The decision of the Financial Reporting Council in the U.K.
about external auditor involvement in internal control may
be worthy of consideration. That council’s conclusion
seems far more reasonable than that of the PCAOB.
2: Rule setting and oversight provided by the same body
is a questionable combination. Should an oversight
board set its own rules for the process it oversees? Are
conflicts of interest possible? How effective
are internal controls when rules are formulated by the same
group that enforces them?
self-assessment can be even more brutal than assessment
by others, the preponderance of evidence does not support
objectivity when viewing one’s own work.
did not establish a requirement that auditing standards
were to be formulated by the PCAOB. Sarbanes-Oxley gives
the PCAOB the option of formulating auditing standards or
accepting that this task be done by another body. At the
PCAOB’s April 16, 2003, meeting, a proposal that auditing
standards be formulated by the board was approved. There
was no discussion of the combination of duties in one body
or the rationale for doing so. One member asked, “The
Board could have allowed another body to actually formulate
auditing standards, but the proposal states that the Board
itself would be the rule-making body, is this true?”
The response to this inquiry was “yes,” with
no further comment from any of those present.
3: Auditing standards-setting under two bodies in one country
is costly and inefficient. This flaw is related
to Flaw 2. There has been no discussion of audit guidance
inadequacies that led the PCAOB to conclude that a totally
new set of auditing guidance was necessary, not to mention
whether it would be the board’s responsibility. As
noted earlier, SOX did not require that the board assume
rule-making responsibility.
authors were unable to find a single objective investigation
of an audit failure reported in the last five years that
stated that inadequate audit guidance was the critical factor
in the deficient audit. For decades, the SEC’s administrative
hearings have relied on the professional guidance provided
by the Auditing Standards Board and predecessor bodies of
practitioners to determine the nature and extent of violations.
For example, in the administrative hearings involving auditors
at Tyco, WorldCom, and Xerox, there were no comments that
the scope of an investigation was limited because of insufficient
guidance related to what the auditor was expected to do.
To our knowledge, not one of the highly discussed audits
of the last five years was investigated in the manner of,
for example, the McKesson & Robbins audit that was disclosed
in December 1938. An investigation might determine
where audit guidance needs to be revised.
PCAOB’s rationale for assuming the role of auditing
standards–setter was not revealed. During the presentation
discussed under Flaw 2, one PCAOB board member noted that
what was “presented was a blueprint to construct a
process, rather than the process itself. … [T]his
is a task we are not likely to do ourselves … this
is a work in process.” Further comments indicated
that there would be a large advisory committee with representatives
of accounting and auditing firms, public companies, investors,
and other interested groups: “There
would be representation of public accountants, but they
would not be a majority … this is not a closed process.”
Another comment suggested that “the profession should
create or maintain its own bodies to review and make recommendations.”
There were no follow-up statements to support or challenge
these comments.
the portion of the board meeting devoted to accepting the
current audit standards on an interim basis, one member
stated, “I shall vote for accepting the standards
as interim standards, but I so wish we today could have
a completely new set of standards. I realize this is unrealistic.”
would a “completely new set of standards” look
like? The first standard released by the PCAOB requires
that reference to standards in the auditor’s report
must indicate that they are the standards of the PCAOB.
The second standard is related to internal control. The
third standard deals with audit documentation and does not
represent a conceptual change from existing professional
standards. The fourth deals with reporting on whether a
previously reported material weakness continues to exist.
The second and fourth standards both deal with the implementation
of section 404, as interpreted and specified by the PCAOB.
cannot responsibly judge at what rate the task of standards
setting should proceed. As of August 13, 2006, the following
was posted on the PCAOB website ( under Proposed
are currently no standards or related rules proposed by
the Board.” The first chief auditor was appointed
in April 2003. Time was needed for establishing an appropriate
operating system. The standards-setting group deals with
other matters that have undoubtedly required attention.
Are the PCAOB’s accomplishments to date on target?
is a generic process. Why is a new standards-setting group
needed? The PCAOB issued its first Staff Audit Practice
Alert on July 28, 2006. The alert is “Matters
Related to Timing and Accounting for Options Grants,”
and it is interesting to note that references are made to
10 sections of Interim Standards, which are the standards
promulgated by the Auditing Standards Board. The usefulness
of Auditing Standards Board statements for an emerging problem
is impressive.
international bodies attempting to provide a single set
of auditing standards to be used globally, professionals
in other countries are perplexed at our two sets of auditing
guidance. When such practitioners—from Beijing, China,
to Milan, Italy—have asked the question “Why
two sets of standards?” the authors find it difficult
to provide a convincing response. Such inquiries also question
the propriety of an oversight board establishing the standards
they inspect.
4: Stripping the profession of standards-setting responsibility
means that accountants auditing publicly owned business
are not professionals. Professional status
provides privileges and it also imposes responsibilities.
Public accounting was deemed a profession in the United
States through state rulings regarding licensing and the
expectations implied thereby. When the PCAOB, at its April
13, 2003, meeting, proposed that the board would become
the auditing standards-setting body for public companies,
it assumed the only remaining task that reflects a professional
responsibility. Those who audit publicly owned companies
are not technically functioning as professionals.
the PCAOB understand what “being professional”
means? At PCAOB board meetings, for example, there are references
to the “profession,” yet the auditors of publicly
owned companies are not meeting the technical expectations
of a profession. Among the criteria applied to a group of
specialists with the designation “profession”
are those that relate to the participation of the practitioners
in their field of specialization. Self-regulation—which
allows for participation in determining codes of conduct,
establishing rules that govern their work, and monitoring
the performance of the members—is critical in maintaining
responsibility for the public interest. Such responsibilities
had been promoted by early leaders of accounting who believed
the field should be a “professional service”
rather than a “commercial service” in the United
States. At the first meeting of the newly created SEC in
1934, the commissioners assessed the work done by practitioners
and concluded that the group had performed in such a manner
that they could be delegated responsibilities that the SEC
could have assumed for itself. The failure of auditor oversight
led to SOX. What evidence supports an oversight board taking
on standards-setting responsibility, too? How wise is it
to strip a large, significant group of accountants of their
professional status?
course, if there continue to be two sets of auditing standards
in the United States, the second set promulgated for nonpublic
entities by the ASB under the auspices of the AICPA, then
one segment of public accounting in the United States will
maintain professional status.
might ask, “What difference does it make if all public
accounting continues to be called a profession?
Why be so literal?” It is a question that requires
a lengthy answer, but, stated briefly, there has been an
assumption that the acceptance of the title of Certified
Public Accountant imposed a personal, professional
responsibility for supporting the group’s self-imposed
rules and for individual responsibility. For example, for
the inevitable judgments required in performing auditing
tasks, an audit partner assumes a high level of personal
responsibility for all staff members, including newly hired
ones. It
is not clear that the PCAOB understands this shift. For
example, note what the PCAOB stated in Release 2005-009
(May 16, 2005):
Standard No. 2 is no different from any other auditing
standard in that it does not prescribe detailed audit
programs. For as long as the profession has established
auditing standards, auditors have used those standards
to tailor their own audit plans, in a manner that addresses
the nature and complexity of the audit client.
participants in the Roundtable, as well as others, have
noted, however, that some auditors have in fact failed
to use tailored audit plans in their first year of meeting
section 404 requirements. … Those auditors have
instead used a one-size-fits-all audit plan driven by
standardized checklists. [Italics added]
noted in the first paragraph quoted above, the PCAOB does
not realize that the contemporary environment for auditing
practitioners who audit publicly owned companies is not
the same as it was formerly. Contrary to the PCAOB’s
claim, there is a difference. The frequent request in comment
letters for more detailed guidance from practitioners is
for assurance that what is done is proper because the board
that issued the ruling is the same board that inspects the
work of the auditors.
PCAOB seems to believe that auditors ought to continue “tailoring
their own audit plans,” yet the board continues to
give detailed instructions. Thoughtful sociologists and
psychologists might be able to provide some valuable insight
about professionalism and optimum rules and regulations,
as well as barriers to entry, when in fact, the group in
question is not a profession.
Wisdom of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
crisis of confidence in the profession justified the passage
of SOX. The writers of the law were astute. They left open
some critical decisions, as noted earlier. At this point,
however, the question is: Is the the PCAOB optimally
structured to provide the type of oversight envisioned by
the Sarbanes-Oxley Act? Illustrative of the performance
to date are the efforts at designing new guidance related
to internal control. Internal control is not a new concept.
Yet, so many questions of interpretation developed that
it was necessary to schedule two PCAOB Roundtable meetings
as well as publishing five sets of “Staff Questions
and Answers.”
results of the new guidance in the PCAOB’s AS 2 are
difficult to interpret. An individual unacquainted with
the prior internal control responsibilities of auditors
and their clients could quickly conclude that the PCAOB
requirements relate to a concern that had received no attention
previously. The reality, however, is that there have been
decades of requirements and guidance.
may be too late to search for reasons for the apparent failure
to respond to the legal requirement for an adequate
system of internal control in the Foreign Corrupt Practices
Act of 1977, which included an amendment of the Securities
and Exchange Act of 1934 related to internal control requirements.
It may be too late to determine why there was seemingly
little response to the recommendations of the Treadway Commission
Report (1987), which was initiated because many still perceived
an intolerable level of fraudulent financial reporting,
even a decade after the requirement for a system of internal
control. The COSO report Internal Control—Integrated
Framework (1992) provided further guidance relative
to internal controls. The latter was the basis of significant
revisions to the guidance provided in section 319 of the
AICPA’s Professional Standards, revisions aimed at
meeting the GAAS requirement that an auditor obtain “a
sufficient understanding of internal control … to
determine, the nature, timing and extent of tests to be
Objective, Comprehensive Review Needed
PCAOB’s structure as designed by the board itself
is flawed. The implementation of SOX to date has added a
great deal of auditing work, yet questions of relevance
reamain unanswered.
A number
of participants in the May 10 PCAOB roundtable raised serious
questions about the effectiveness of the implementation.
There is a perception of unnecessary regulation. One interesting
comment provided by the representative of the New York Stock
Exchange concerned the significant drop in listings by foreign
companies on U.S. exchanges between 2000 and 2005. It was
reported that many foreign companies, however, were obtaining
capital in the United States from private sources, thus
bypassing the need to meet governmental regulations.
date, the authors’ search—for empirical review
of alleged audit failures, for working papers, and of transcripts
of thoughtful debates—has not found any information
that reveals the analyses and rationales for decisions made
by the PCAOB in determining the tasks the board would assume.
is time for a candid, objective, comprehensive review of
the PCAOB. At this point, there is no need for legislative
action on the part of the U.S. Congress. The SEC, as the
body responsible for oversight of the PCAOB, has the wisdom
to initiate and carry through the review required now.
H. Newman, PhD, CPA, is a professor of accounting
at the Lubin School of Business, Pace University, New York,
N.Y. Mary Ellen Oliverio, PhD, CPA, was formerly
a professor of accounting at the same university.