The CPA Journal Millennium Series
Accounting in 2015
By Michael
Alles, Alexander Kogan, and
Miklos A. Vasarhelyi
The single greatest change
agent facing accounting in the next 15 years is technology.
The foundations of the profession will be eroded by the
opposing demands of emerging services and established values.
In the convergence of business and technology, CPAs will
have to prove their value to a new economy. (Article)
Auditing E-business
By Bruce H. Nearon
Auditing the financial
statements of e-businesses according to GAAP presents a
significant challenge for CPAs. Current GAAS has numerous
standards relevant to e-business; the author brings them
together into a single guide for applying GAAS to audits of
e-businesses. (Article)
SysTrust and
Technology Opportunities for
By Anthony
J. Pugliese and Ronald Halse
The technology trust gap
provides a need for independent assurance of technology
systems. The AICPA's SySTrust assures businesses of the
reliability and integrity of their information technology
systems. Under the new WebTrust, CPAs provide e-commerce
assurance services in various areas, including privacy and
security. (Article)
How XBRL Will
Change Your Practice
By Eric E. Cohen and Neal Hannon
XBRL (extensible business
language) is the emerging electronic communications technology
that will make timely, quality financial reporting possible.
Once XBRL becomes widespread, it will streamline business
transactions from regulatory and tax compliance to internal
performance measurements. The authors look in their crystal
ball to see what XBRL has in store. (Article)
Voice Recognition Software
By Bobby E. Waldrup, Jeffrey Michelman,
and Maxine L. Person
Voice recognition software
allows users to control their computer using their voice
instead of a keyboard and a mouse. Although it promises to
make computer applications more user-friendly, the authors
report difficulties in adapting to the technology's
limitations. Off-the-shelf packages are not necessarily ready
for the demanding CPA user. (Article)