the Standards for Information Technology Controls
use of computers, along with recent legislation such as
the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOA), has increased the importance
of information technology (IT) in attest services. The 2000
report of the Panel on Audit Effectiveness (see
recommended that “audit firms place a high priority
on enhancing the overall effectiveness of auditors’
work on internal control, particularly with respect to the
depth and substance of their knowledge about companies’
information systems.”Full
Getting Proactive About Quality Review
Last year, the NYSSCPA’s 2004/05 President John
Kearney appointed a Quality Enhancement Policy Committee,
chaired by then President-Elect Steve Langowski, to examine
how the AICPA’s peer review program affects the quality
of New York State CPA firms’ audits and other assurance
services. The NYSSCPA administers peer review in New York
State, applying the standards, policies, and procedures
set by the AICPA. Currently, 37 states require peer review
for licensure. New
York is the only large state that does not require peer
review for licensure, although the Society has supported
various legislative initiatives in recent years that would
make peer review mandatory. Full
Max Block Award Winners Recognized
winners of the 2004 Max Block Distinguished Article Awards
were announced and presented at the NYSSCPA’s 108th
Annual Election Meeting and Dinner on May 18. 2004/2005
NYSSCPA president John J. Kearney presided over the awards
presentations, which were made by incoming NYSSCPA vice
president Victor Rich and Max Block’s grandson, Daniel
J. Sherman. The award criteria recognized the most outstanding
article in each of three categories of excellence that reflect
The CPA Journal’s mission and better suit
the magazine’s redesigned format introduced in 2004.
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