Regulations and Oversight in the Public Interest
Interview with SEC Chief Accountant Donald T. Nicolaisen
By Robert
H. Colson
SEC Chairman
William H. Donaldson announced the appointment of Donald T. Nicolaisen,
CPA, as the commission’s chief accountant in August 2003.
Nicolaisen oversees the SEC’s accounting policy initiatives
and leads its efforts with national and international standards
setters on critical accounting and auditing issues. He also works
closely with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)
to ensure that auditors adhere to the highest business and ethical
was previously a senior partner at Pricewaterhouse- Coopers LLP,
where he held a range of management and leadership positions after
joining the firm’s predecessor, Price Waterhouse, in 1967.
From 1988 to 1994, he led Price Waterhouse’s national office
for accounting and SEC services. During that time, he was also
a member of FASB’s Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF).
met with CPA Journal Editor-in-Chief Robert Colson at the SEC’s
Washington, D.C., office in late 2003.
The Role of the Chief Accountant
CPA Journal: What is the dominant item on your agenda as the new
chief accountant?
Donald T. Nicolaisen: Narrowing it down to one thing
is difficult, but broadly, it’s helping investors be better
informed and restoring investor confidence through reforms that
improve the financial reporting process. This includes reform
in the accounting and auditing profession, which the Sarbanes-Oxley
Act has already catalyzed. The audit process must be improved,
and investors deserve financial statements that are more transparent
and easier to understand. This starts at the top of the organization
and will involve, in many cases, a cultural change. In addition,
there is an expectation gap between what the auditor is required
to do and what the public expects the auditor to do. This gap
needs to be addressed. Auditors must step up to the plate and
better explain their role.
the OCA [Office of the Chief Accountant] staff comprises talented
people, fully dedicated to quality financial reporting and investor
protection. Together, I am confident that we will achieve our
How would you characterize the problems you inherited on entering
the chief accountancy?
Nicolaisen: Individual and corporate greed has strained
the system and created excesses and abuses that have led to unethical
and sometimes criminal behavior. In some cases, excessively detailed
accounting rules have given those who choose to abuse the system
a means to achieve better-looking numbers in financial statements
by circumventing the fundamental principles behind the rules.
The SEC staff
recently released a study on principles-based accounting standards.
The report supports objectives-oriented standards, which will
provide a better framework in which to exercise professional judgment
and may help facilitate compliance with the intent of the standards.
Such a change, where judgments are required and appropriately
exercised, will go a long way toward improving the corporate reporting
How do you combat the “parsing the rules” mentality?
Nicolaisen: This is another example of how our culture
has evolved. We have a society of laws and rules, and people—including
business owners—who want to understand what rules apply
to them and how to follow them, all of which is entirely fair.
But problems arise when the rules are stretched and transactions
with little or no underlying economic substance are entered into
simply to achieve an accounting result. In these cases, people
have crossed the line and have misled investors. Professional
accountants, whether working as preparers or auditors, recognize
that misleading investors is unacceptable, and they have the ability
to contribute to quality financial reporting. Our challenge, and
the accounting profession’s challenge, is not only to encourage
compliance with the rules but also to inform investors about the
underlying transactions and the resulting financial picture.
One area
where parsing the rules has been especially troubling is the use
of SPEs [special purpose entities]. I believe that FASB has identified
the right approach in FIN 46 [Consolidation of Variable Interest
Entities, effective October 9, 2003] to address the underlying
economics of such entities. Now it’s up to the business
community and accounting professionals to apply their professional
judgment and implement these principles.
What is the role of the OCA in bringing about reform?
Nicolaisen: My role is to protect investors and
maintain the integrity of our securities markets. OCA has a number
of resources at its disposal to accomplish these goals. The bully
pulpit is one such vehicle, and I intend to use it effectively.
It’s essential that registrants and accountants understand
that we’re serious about reform. I want to be very clear:
We will enforce the laws and regulations, and people who violate
the letter or spirit should expect to hear from us.
Has the pattern of registrants or accountants bringing problems
to the OCA changed?
Nicolaisen: Historically,
the chief accountant has had an open dialogue with registrants
and accountants on how to account for difficult transactions,
and I intend to continue that tradition. This approach has worked
well for all parties. But we don’t see all the transactions
we’d like to, although we often see the extremes, sometimes
after the fact. In our experience, trade and industry groups have
done an excellent job communicating their concerns to us.
I encourage
registrants and auditors to discuss questions with OCA early in
the process, before an issue has escalated into a crisis. It’s
important to understand that we don’t say “no”
to every proposed accounting treatment brought to our attention.
Nonetheless, I would caution that if the company’s auditor
is challenging the accounting, then we’re also likely to
see problems with it. In short, we’re encouraging a more
open dialogue that begins earlier in the process.
How do you view the change in the corporate accounting culture
from an objective, scorekeeping function to a profit center?
Nicolaisen: Restoring investor confidence will require
a top-to-bottom cultural change for some entities. Unfortunately,
the profit-center culture exists in some companies where executives
place undue pressure on the accounting function to find ways to
add to the bottom line through accounting entries rather than
expecting the accounting function to serve as the neutral reporter.
Of course, many CEOs run their businesses in the right way—by
supporting appropriate research and development programs, ensuring
quality manufacturing and distribution, and trying to earn an
honest return for their shareholders—and treat the accounting
function as an objective scorekeeper of their successes and failures.
The CEO and CFO certifications that Sarbanes-Oxley now requires
represent a big step forward, because officers now have to affirmatively
certify that the financial statements provide an accurate picture
of results. The act of signing one’s name on such a certificate
drives home the fact that the CFO or CEO is personally vested
in the financial reporting process.
What are your thoughts about the differences between the responsibility
of officers and directors for financial statements and that of
independent auditors?
Nicolaisen: Quality financial reporting starts with
officers and directors. When public company CEOs, CFOs, audit
committees, and boards set a tone at the top that respects and
supports the integrity of the financial reporting process, the
likelihood of quality communications with investors increases
significantly. That tone at the top, starting with the CEO managing
the business, accepting his or her stewardship of others’
investments, and the CFO reporting on the business as a steward
of others’ resources, is vital to the entire process. Section
404 [of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act] and other certifications will
not work unless directors and officers accept their responsibility
and accountability to investors. CEOs or CFOs who fail in these
roles may find themselves facing SEC enforcement actions. The
independent auditor’s role is to understand and challenge
the accounting and reporting of the company, serving as an objective
evaluator of both compliance and fair presentation.
Does the chief accountant have different responsibilities for
preparers and auditors?
Nicolaisen: I have high expectation of both, and,
although their roles differ, both groups have a duty to investors
and can significantly contribute to quality financial reporting.
OCA is at the hub of lots of activity within the SEC, much of
which includes the preparer community. We also advance the Commission’s
interests with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board [PCAOB],
FASB, IASB, and others in the international arena. FASB sets GAAP
for preparers, and the PCAOB standards serve the auditor community.
is a brand-new organization, for which the SEC has oversight responsibility,
as it does for FASB. As a practical matter, the SEC coordinates
its oversight of both organizations through OCA. The PCAOB, under
Chairman Bill McDonough’s leadership, has it exactly right:
It will hold firms and individuals to the highest level of professional
and ethical standards. Enhancing the audit process and ensuring
that firms are independent in fact and appearance is extremely
The SEC is
a strong advocate of the PCAOB inspection process, which compares
what firms say to what they do. We also have experience with how
registrants interpret and use accounting principles, and we share
that experience with FASB as it strives to improve the principles
underlying financial reporting. Also, we work closely with the
SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance [Corpfin] in certain
areas as it reviews registrants’ filings and issues comment
letters, as well as with the Enforcement Division on actions concerning
both accounting (preparer) and auditing issues.
and Independence
CPAs’ ethics require them to follow FASB standards in financial
reporting. Should non-CPA CFOs and controllers adopt similar ethics?
Nicolaisen: Yes. While Sarbanes-Oxley requires CFOs
to adopt ethical standards, it does not require any specific standard
or SEC approval of such a standard. It will be interesting to
see if CFOs, whether or not they are CPAs, voluntarily adopt such
rigorous standards. I think it would be a very good thing for
associations that represent financial officers to address this
in their codes of ethics, and I would not anticipate different
standards for CPAs and non-CPAs.
You talked about “tone at the top” at public companies.
What’s the appropriate tone at the top for accounting firms?
Nicolaisen: OCA encourages firms to approach client
acceptance and retention with selectivity, retaining those companies
as audit clients that are consistent with their ethical expectations.
Senior management at the firms sets the standards and values of
their respective organizations. For example, compensation plans
are a tangible measure of a firm’s values. If a firm doesn’t
support audit partners making tough calls and replaces them with
partners who are more accommodating, that practice will damage
this profession and the firm along with it.
The director
of the Enforcement Division, Steve Cutler, has made it clear that
the SEC considers individual as well as firm accountability. Having
the PCAOB inspection as part of the process will help immensely
in understanding the tone at the top. The PCAOB’s inspectors
are asking auditors about the level of support they receive from
their firm when they make tough decisions. In cases where appropriate
support has been lacking, you can expect PCAOB action with the
full support of the SEC.
How do you deal with registrants who come to you with accounting
questions? For gray-area questions, would you tell them specifically
what to do? Alternatively, would you explain your view of what
they should consider but leave the decision to them?
Nicolaisen: Our starting point is to consider what’s
best for the investor, and how to make the economics of the transaction
as transparent as possible to investors. I’d want to understand
the economics of the transaction and whether the proposed accounting
is consistent with the economics. Normally, after considering
the views of the preparer, its audit committee, and the preparer’s
auditor, my staff would express its views regarding the appropriate
Of course,
when someone brings in a question that doesn’t fall in a
gray area, the process is shorter because I don’t hesitate
to say “yes” or “no” as appropriate. For
example, transactions that lack economic substance and that appear
to have been entered into only to achieve an accounting result
would lead to a simple “no” response.
The code of professional conduct positions CPAs as objective neutrals,
without primary allegiance to a specific interest, such as management,
investors, or creditors. Yet the public expects that CPAs represent
third-party users when performing services where such users are
inherent to the engagement. Should CPAs formally address this
in the code of conduct?
Nicolaisen: Without parsing words, it seems to me
that every set of audited financial statements has a third-party
user, either immediately or eventually. Having a code of conduct
that made it clear that CPAs are the users’ watchdog would
have certain legal implications, but, nevertheless, it would be
a good thing. Preparers and management have a tremendous information
advantage over users. OCA’s stance on Management’s
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Operations [MD&A] is clear: We want management to share with
investors their views about the business. The auditor can help
management in identifying appropriate disclosures.
In any event,
our markets work on the underlying assumption that the auditor’s
primary responsibility is to the investor. Increasing awareness
of this perspective would also make the CPA profession more attractive
to young people. I understand that there is a resurgence of interest
on campuses in accounting precisely because young people are attracted
by the importance of auditors’ work in our capital markets
and by the ethical dimension inherent in being an accountant.
How can we increase ethics awareness among CPAs?
Nicolaisen: My experience has been that you really
learn something well when it’s part of your work responsibilities
and especially when you teach it to someone else. Teaching ethics
within the firm, or mentoring young people in ethics, is one way
for senior-level professionals to retain ethical considerations
in the forefront. Evaluating individuals on their participation
in such a mentoring program would also increase its importance.
Firms should reward partners and staff for taking tough stands
and doing the right thing. Prompt disciplinary action can help
as well.
What are your reactions to the concerns that new audit requirements,
such as the forensic tone of SAS 99 [Consideration of Fraud in
a Financial Statement Audit], could work against the free flow
of information between client and auditor?
Nicolaisen: SAS 99 could alter the tone of the relationship
between some auditors and their clients, but it would be for the
better if the result is that the auditor is more objective, more
neutral, and more discerning about internal control and the risks
of financial statement fraud. In too many cases, auditors failed
to respond critically to inappropriate actions of their clients.
The auditor’s primary job is to remain independent in fact
and appearance and not to get “cozy” with the client.
In turn, I would expect that clients, whether private or public,
want auditors to be as tough as possible on the basics because
toughness gives their financial statements that much more credibility.
The job of the auditor is to be honest, sometimes brutally honest,
with company management. An auditor shouldn’t be capricious
or belligerent; a thoughtful, independent, critical, and professional
auditor, however, is very valuable. If you’re going to be
an auditor of a public company, you have to place auditing and
its culture first in all things and forgo the role of advocate.
the auditor should bring issues to management and the audit committee
early in the process. An auditor fails in some sense when management
is surprised—often at the last minute—by breaches
of internal control or low-quality financial statements.
and the PCAOB
What is the most important consideration when considering auditor
Nicolaisen: In my mind, the appearance of independence
is critical. Whenever there is a potential for a conflict of interest
caused by the appearance of a lack of independence, Sarbanes-Oxley
provides a mechanism for the audit committee to determine whether
the service should be performed or whether the auditor has compromised
his or her independence. Because the appearance of independence
is so important, auditors should disclose and discuss with the
audit committee not only services that management wants them to
perform, but also other relationships that might arise during
the ordinary course of business, such as leases of office space
or purchases of products or services.
is a difficult area, and one that will receive lots of attention
from this office and the PCAOB. Because specific facts vary, Sarbanes-Oxley
calls for full disclosure to the audit committee and requires
the audit committee to reach a conclusion.
What is your response to the SEC’s final rules on auditors
and tax services? Is the identification of permitted services
clear enough to keep auditors from becoming advocates in this
Nicolaisen: Sarbanes-Oxley permits independent auditors
to provide tax services to their audit clients if such services
are preapproved by the audit committee. Auditors do need tax expertise,
and they need to understand the tax process in order to adequately
audit a company’s tax liabilities and uncertainties. But
there are some services for which the audit committee should be
especially probing. A recent Senate staff report analyzed several
cases where the auditor sold highly structured, highly complex,
and highly aggressive tax products to companies for significant
fees. Other audit committees have identified similar “products”
being “sold” to executives of the independent auditor’s
client. I believe that these types of services are not consistent
with either Congressional intent embodied in the act or with the
appearance of independence on the part of the auditor.
For example,
I think it’s appropriate for auditors that are also involved
in tax-return preparation to explain to their clients how they
will treat certain transactions for tax purposes, and to suggest
legitimate tax strategies, such as that the client should consider
accelerated depreciation rather than straight-line. But that kind
of advice is very different from the design of complicated, sophisticated
tax shelters that involve attorneys, investment bankers, and auditors,
often at fees significantly above hourly scales. Auditors, in
my view, should not participate in those types of activities.
How does the OCA participate in the SEC’s oversight of PCAOB
rule making?
Nicolaisen: The PCAOB discusses with OCA where it’s
headed with a standard before their board votes to release it,
and communication between the PCAOB and OCA is appropriate. OCA’s
experience base provides us and the PCAOB with a useful perspective
on how to achieve the PCAOB’s goals. Our expectation is
that OCA and the PCAOB staffs’ positions will be reasonably
close before the PCAOB staff takes a proposal to their board.
Of course, their board and staff can always make changes, but
if the process works properly, there won’t be any occasions
when the chief accountant is unable to recommend that the SEC
adopt a PCAOB rule.
To date our
relationship has worked very well. Under the leadership of Bill
McDonough, the PCAOB has done a tremendous amount of work on a
tight timeframe, including hiring staff, registering U.S. public
accounting firms, promulgating a number of important standards,
and engaging in a limited inspection of the large firms.
Would you explain the process, using the PCAOB’s section
404 attestation proposal as an example?
Nicolaisen: OCA has read the public comment letters
on the proposed rule and discussed the concerns raised and views
expressed with SEC and PCAOB staff. We consider these comments
very carefully, and I encourage interested parties to participate
in this process. In the end, I believe the PCAOB will produce
a standard that appropriately considers all input and addresses
this difficult issue. The objective of reporting on internal controls
has been discussed as long as I’ve been a member of this
profession, so I’m excited to finally see it become a reality,
and I’m confident that the investor will benefit from this
Describe your take on the differences of opinion regarding the
extent of substantive testing as part of the auditor’s attestation
on internal control.
Nicolaisen: The current debate and discussion on
the extent of auditor involvement in internal control attestations
has been healthy and useful. The PCAOB did an excellent job issuing
a proposal that would generate the appropriate level of discussion
regarding their views. Many comment letters expressed concern
with cost, and many suggestions were offered as to how the independent
auditor might obtain satisfaction in a cost-effective manner.
I agree with the view of the PCAOB that the auditor has to understand
and test the effectiveness of controls, and I believe the final
PCAOB standard will strike an appropriate balance.
What does the SEC plan to do when companies self-assess as having
a material weakness in internal control, and the auditor concurs?
Nicolaisen: We’ve been discussing that issue
quite a bit. I believe that the commission will accept internal
control assessments with material weaknesses as long as the audit
opinion on the financial statements is unqualified. We don’t
want a situation where rendering a negative opinion on internal
control would by itself preclude a company from participating
in our markets. The principal objective is to inform investors.
The marketplace will decide what it means if there is a material
weakness in internal control but the auditor’s opinion on
the financial statements is unqualified.
How would an auditor evaluate the audit committee on internal
Nicolaisen: I think for the auditor to grade an
audit committee, using A, B, or C, would be a bad idea and would
place the auditor in an awkward position. But in implementing
Sarbanes-Oxley and in considering the important role of the audit
committee, it’s hard to envision how an evaluation of internal
control would be complete without considering the audit committee’s
activities, objectivity, and performance. There are many strong
audit committees, and I am confident that they will continue to
improve over time, in part because they will feel increasing pressure
to represent shareholders’ interests, which include the
need for complete and accurate reporting.
What’s your take on the future of the accounting profession?
Nicolaisen: In light of the recent financial scandals,
no one could claim that the auditor is irrelevant, and the investing
public and Congress have made it clear that they value good financial
reporting and high-quality audits. To me, that translates into
an expectation that accounting and auditing should have a bright
future. Many changes under way will affect CPAs and the profession,
and that is especially true at the audit firm level.
The audit
firms’ near-term adjustments to the challenges of finding
the right people and developing the right expertise to perform
financial statement audits and internal control attestations as
envisioned by Sarbanes-Oxley will determine whether accounting
will be an exciting, growth profession. From what I see now, the
road may be a little bumpy, but I am confident that the accounting
and auditing profession will emerge stronger, more independent,
and that it will offer a more rewarding career to young people
who are considering entering the profession.
What’s the role of the AICPA in the world after Sarbanes-Oxley?
Nicolaisen: The AICPA’s role has changed,
but it is a strong organization with tremendous talent and resources.
I would caution, however, that whatever role it chooses to take
in the future should not be confusing to the public—the
AICPA is no longer a regulator or a standard setter for public
company audits, and self-regulation of those who audit public
companies is a thing of the past. However, regulation and standards
setting for public company audits aside, the AICPA has a tremendously
important role to play in training, education, supporting its
members and the rest of the profession, and representing the face
of the profession to its many constituencies. Its role with respect
to private companies is significant.
I would love
to see the AICPA do even more in the educational area, such as
creating and distributing material like its recent Audit Committee
Toolkit. Such publications are extremely valuable, serve the public
good, and create positive impressions of the CPA profession. The
AICPA also has an important role to play in supporting other institutions
in the accounting profession, such as the PCAOB and FASB. Working
together, the future of the accounting profession is bright.
Is the AICPA’s restructuring of the Auditing Standards Board,
to set audit standards for the private sector, helpful?
Nicolaisen: It’s too early to tell, but I
would hope that differences in auditing standards would be minimal.
From my perspective, substantially different auditing and accounting
standards for public and private companies could be confusing
and potentially counterproductive. The PCAOB process is deliberate,
open, and independent; as a result, I would expect that the marketplace
and investors will gain confidence in their standards and that
they will be the standards most familiar to the investing public.
While the AICPA does set standards for private companies, every
bifurcation of audit standards has the potential to confuse the
public and investors about what CPAs do. Accordingly, I would
encourage cooperation between the AICPA and PCAOB.
Is it time for more consistent regulation of CPAs at the state
Nicolaisen: I suspect that what state a CPA’s
license is in makes very little difference to the investing public.
Investors are looking for the assurance of a CPA’s report
on an audit of financial statements. The difference in licensing
requirements across the states does add complications, and the
Uniform Accountancy Act [UAA] hasn’t worked well enough
to encourage licensing authorities to pursue that route.
On one hand,
it’s in the best interest of the investing public to have
uniform, national qualifications for CPA licensure; on the other
hand, the states clearly have an interest in licensing professionals
who practice within their borders. Although, at the state level,
passage of a uniform law hasn’t worked, we’re at a
unique juncture in the history of the CPA profession. Thus,
it may be possible that an arrangement could be made that would
preserve the states’ legitimate interest in licensure while
serving the national interest as it relates to CPAs’ importance
to the investing public. This is a good issue for the NYSSCPA
and other state societies to consider.
H. Colson, PhD, CPA, is Editor-in-Chief of The CPA Journal.