Interview with New York State Comptroller Alan Hevesi
Robert H. Colson
In August, CPA Journal
Editor-in-Chief Robert Colson discussed issues surrounding the recent problems
in school districts on Long Island with New York State Comptroller Alan
Hevesi. Hevesi became New York State Comptroller in 2002, after two terms
as Comptroller of New York City, beginning in 1993. Before that, he spent
22 years in the New York State Assembly. He lives in Queens. Comptroller
Hevesi’s office has initiated a number of steps to more effectively
monitor management of school districts throughout New York State. More information
about the Comptroller’s Office and his school district initiatives
can be found at
The CPA Journal:
Please explain your view of the problems in the Roslyn and William Floyd
school districts that have caused such public concern.
Alan Hevesi: Let me focus on the big picture and the background
for the problems. There are 701 school districts in New York State, and
127 of them are in Nassau and Suffolk counties on Long Island. About 20
years ago, the Comptroller’s Office made a strategic judgment that
it would focus its scarce audit resources on the state agencies and the
approximately 1,600 local governmental units. Explicit in this decision,
made because of insufficient capacity to cover all audit needs, was the
outcome that school districts would no longer be audited by the Comptroller’s
Office. Over the past 20 years, by the way, the audit resources in the
Comptroller’s Office have declined by about one-half as a result
of continuously tighter state budgets.
Does this mean that there has been no state supervision of school districts
for the past 20 years?
Hevesi: Not at all. Part of the rationale for the Comptroller’s
Office to no longer audit school districts was that school districts are
directly supervised by the New York State Education Department (SED).
In addition, by requirement of law, every school district is required
to have an audit by an independent certified public accountant. There
is no other state agency that supervises the state agencies and governments,
nor is there an independent audit requirement for them. It made sense
to focus our attention on them.
CPAJ: What
happened in the case of the Long Island school districts? Were there audit
Hevesi: The SED has labored under the same budget constraints
as the Comptroller’s Office, and has not established its own audit
program for school districts. Now, we have also learned the bitter lesson
that independent audits of financial statements are fairly narrow in scope
and do not necessarily address issues of critical importance to government
and the public trust. I’m talking about such things as fraud, internal
control, mismanagement, misconduct, and compliance with budgets. While
financial statement audits may provide information for outsiders to evaluate
the creditworthiness of the school district, their focus does not make
them a substitute for the fundamentals of making sure that money intended
for educational purposes is expended appropriately.
CPAJ: What
is the status of your office’s involvement in the Long Island cases?
Hevesi: In the case of the Roslyn school district, where
there are allegations of criminal behavior in the misuse of $8 million,
the district attorney has asked us to conduct a complete investigation
of the situation. We have an 18-member team there now conducting an in-depth
investigation of the fiscal affairs of the district. On the other hand,
we are not at this time pursuing a similar investigation in the William
Floyd school district, because the district attorney there is concerned
about the integrity of a possible criminal investigation.
CPAJ: Does
the Comptroller’s Office have its own investigations group?
Hevesi: We do have our own investigations division, which
has recently been reorganized and expanded. The head of the division is
an experienced former New York City prosecutor. The division currently
is investigating 18 cases involving potential criminal offenses in local
government, which were identified either by our local government audit
process or from tips by whistle-blowers.
CPAJ: Should
the Comptroller’s Office be conducting audits of school districts?
Hevesi: Yes, we should. I have asked the legislature for
$5.4 million annually to support a corps of 89 auditors dedicated to audits
of school districts. This request would translate into $2.9 million this
year because it is almost half over. With such a corps, the Comptroller
would be able to audit each school district at least once every five years,
but the intent would be to create a more flexible audit approach that
would trigger audits and follow-up audits on a more frequent basis in
districts with problems. Such an audit corps would place school districts
on an audit schedule similar to towns, villages, and counties. When you
think about it, $5.4 million is a very reasonable expenditure to avoid
$8 million losses.
What was your immediate response to the problems on Long Island?
Hevesi: I announced early in August that the Lawrence, Manhasset,
and Hempstead school districts in Nassau County and the Brentwood school
district in Suffolk County would be the subjects of in-depth audits performed
by my office. I also announced a fifth audit to examine administrative
expenses in at least 15 other districts, including East Meadow, Locust
Valley, North Shore, Plainedge, Syosset, and Westbury in Nassau County
and Three Village, Central Islip, and Wyandanch in Suffolk County. We
have also established a process to select other school districts for such
do you select districts for such in-depth audits?
Hevesi: In some cases, we have knowledge of management problems
in certain districts from past experience. We also receive a large number
of tips from whistleblowers. Currently, 65 whistle-blowers have told us
about 140 different events in 32 school districts. Just because someone
blows a whistle on a school district does not make anything factual or
true, but the public is concerned about how their dollars for education
are being spent, and when members of the public suspect mismanagement,
misconduct, or fraud, we frequently hear about it. These tips are leads
for us to follow and investigate.
What has been the effect on the public of the school district
Hevesi: School districts and their budgets are fundamentally
part of the public process. School board members are elected officials,
and budgets are voted on by the citizenry. Citizens expect that money
budgeted for educating children actually is expended for that purpose.
I have been impressed by the public response on Long Island. This is the
first time that I have seen the announcement of a pending audit make front-page
newspaper headlines. It’s not uncommon for the announcement of the
Comptroller’s audit findings of some fiscal scandal to appear in
the newspaper, but in this case the announcement that audits will occur
is not only in the newspaper but in front-page headlines. I would say
that the public is keenly interested in the fiscal responsibility of their
school districts.
Is the problem related only to the narrowness
of financial statement audits? Are better and more audits the only solution
Hevesi: The problem is broader than what can be addressed
in audits. Even the most detailed audit is not necessarily a foolproof
protection against fraud, mismanagement, and other types of misconduct.
Audits and appropriate state supervision are necessary, but the best protection
against the types of problems that arose on Long Island is effective internal
controls. The Comptroller’s Office is organizing an extensive training
program for school board members, school officials, superintendents, and
independent auditors to help establish and maintain the proper fiscal
culture in school districts.
What does the training program include?
Hevesi: The program has the following components:
- We are working
cooperatively with the New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA),
Council of School Superintendents (NYSCOSS), and Association of School
Business Officials (NYSASBO). The Office of the State Comptroller (OSC)
will participate with them in up to 20 hands-on training seminars during
the 2004–2005 school year. OSC staff will deliver training on
internal controls, fraud prevention and detection, and auditing standards.
- OSC will cosponsor
a special seminar at the NYSCOSS state meeting in Saratoga Springs on
September 21. I will deliver
a keynote address on ethics and accountability.
- OSC will cosponsor
a conference, “Preserving the Public’s Trust,” with
the Nassau-Suffolk School Board Association, the Nassau County Council
of School Superintendents, and the Suffolk County School Superintendents
Association on Long Island on October 5. I will speak on governance
and accountability.
- OSC will air
statewide a public teleconference for school board members
and superintendents, “Leadership and Accountability: Preventative
Medicine for Fraud,” on October 26. A panel of experts in preventing
and detecting fraud will join me in a panel discussion.
- OSC is also updating
its training manuals and reference guides for school business officials
and is developing “sensible practices” for school superintendents
and school board members.
Are you considering any changes to the regulatory requirements
for school districts?
Hevesi: Yes, we are. OSC is meeting with the SED to review
existing regulations regarding independent audits. In addition, a working
group composed of staff from SED, NYSCOSS, NYSSBA, NYSASBO, and the NYSSCPA
is meeting under the OSC’s leadership to develop specific recommendations
for strengthening auditing, training, and financial oversight by school
district officials and their boards. Some of the areas we are discussing
- Enhanced standards
for financial statement audits;
- Expanded internal
control auditing and training by OSC and SED;
- Creating school
district audit committees;
- Selection and
rotation of audit firms;
- Mandatory and
recommended financial training for school officials; and
- Ethics and disclosure
CPAJ: What
are your concerns about the selection and rotation of audit firms?
Hevesi: A difficult logistical problem arises because of
the small number of audit firms that engage in school district audits.
A periodic change in the auditor provides a fresh look at the situation
and reduces the potential for the development of overly close and friendly
relationships that could create a conflict of interest. Some CPA firms
are large enough to rotate the audit partner periodically, which is very
helpful. Other CPA firms, on the other hand, are just not large enough
to provide alternative audit partners. In such cases, audit firm rotation
should occur on a periodic basis. We’re looking at the auditor selection
process, too, in order to make sure it is as objective and independent
as possible and that school districts are not choosing auditors solely
on the basis of quoted fees without carefully considering the work plan
associated with the fees.
you concerned that there are similar problems of corruption and mismanagement
in other units of state government?
Hevesi: Our office has continuously audited and supervised
state agencies, town, villages, and counties. I feel confident that these
supervised entities are in much better shape than the school districts,
which have been left unsupervised. The program I outlined earlier focuses
on the OSC, in cooperation with the SED, supervising school districts
much more closely.
CPAJ: Does
your audit authority also extend to state authorities?
Hevesi: Yes, it does. We have focused attention on them
much more closely since I took office in 2002, because of the problems
in the authorities caused by inadequate supervision. Authorities have
been called the “secret government.” Not because we do not
know about them: They are critical for our daily lives and have a very
positive impact on them. But they are secretive, preferring not to disclose
their affairs in the way that we expect governmental agencies to do. Nor
are they subject to the same transparency requirements as the state government.
Essentially, our experience indicates that unsupervised entities have
more problems with corruption, fraud, misconduct, and management than
do supervised entities. Supervision, monitoring, and auditing are keys
to healthy governmental units.
What are you doing about the state authorities?
Hevesi: We’re trying to get our hands around the problem
and to establish the same fundamental accountability and monitoring as
we have in other areas.
Here’s a little
background on the state authorities: The first was established in 1921.
In 1956, the state government decided there were too many authorities,
and a commission was appointed to study the problem. Upon the commission’s
recommendation, the legislature eliminated 20 authorities—seven
that were already out of business and 13 that should have been out of
business—to bring the total number of authorities to 33. Just after
I took office in 2002, we decided to enumerate all the authorities created
by the state. We initiated a survey and were astonished when we found
642 authorities. When we published our survey, we continued to receive
leads about authorities we had missed. We’re pretty certain now
that we have just about all of them identified, and that number exceeds
The MTA [Metropolitan
Transportation Authority] is a good example of our recent activity related
to authorities. The MTA suffered from very difficult corruption issues
and management problems. Our office performed an in-depth investigation
and worked out a plan of action with the MTA. The MTA adopted the plan
and cleaned up its act. They made the necessary reforms to their governance,
management, and fiscal procedures. The OSC issued new regulations on budgetary
and administration processes for them. We plan to issue these regulations
more widely in the near future.
CPAJ: What
are the statutory responsibilities of the Comptroller?
Hevesi: The New York State Comptroller has a very broad
set of responsibilities. Let me enumerate them for you:
- Audit authority
for any expenditure of state funds or funds that should be received
by the state. This authority extends to private-sector organizations
as well as governmental units.
- Contract officer
for New York State. The state enters about 44,000 contracts every year.
The Comptroller reviews them all and has veto authority over them. If
you recall, I exercised that veto in a somewhat controversial situation
involving the sale of development rights along the Erie Canal. My predecessor
had approved a contract subject to the information available at the
time. When we reviewed the contract at a later date, much of the information
submitted by the Canal Authority to support the contract was false.
Consequently, I vetoed the contract.
- Budget review
and analysis. The OSC analyzes the state budget and the budgets of state
governmental units, and exercises review authority over them.
- Sole trustee
of the New York State Pension Fund. Our state pension fund involves
more than 964,000 individuals and $100 billion in investments. It is
the second-largest pension fund in the country. The Comptroller is the
sole trustee of the fund.
large is the OSC staff?
Hevesi: We have about 2,400 staff members, mostly professionals
and their support staffs. They all help me fulfill the constitutional
and statutory obligations of the Comptroller. We have responsibility for
the budgets, contracts, and audits of state government, state agencies,
1,600 towns, villages, and counties, 701 school districts, and over 700
authorities and for the retirement savings of more than 964,000 individuals
in the state retirement system. I am hoping that number soon increases
by 89 newly hired auditors!
CPAJ: When
we were discussing auditor selection and rotation you seemed to have another
thought on your mind. Was there something else you wanted to add about
independent auditors?
Hevesi: I was thinking of the settlement that the state
pension fund has just won in the case of the Raytheon Corporation. Raytheon
paid a settlement of $410 million and its auditors paid a settlement of
$50 million. Raytheon filed a false report with the SEC, which the audit
firm signed off on three days before signing a consulting contract with
Raytheon. Raytheon paid the audit firm $4 million for the audit, and the
consulting contract was for $103 million. I cannot help but draw a connection
between the two events. In Enron, Andersen received $25 million for the
audit and $26 million for consulting. Of course, Andersen is now out of
business. I was thinking about the loss to America when CPA firms fail
to constrain themselves ethically. Rotation of auditors is one way for
the public to intervene to remove the temptation to trade good, professional
audits for the money from consulting business.
Robert H.
Colson, PhD, CPA, is Editor-in-Chief of The CPA Journal.