September 2003
Multiple E-Mail Personalities?
A recent survey from North Star Marketing ( asked respondents how many e-mail addresses they have and why. Over three-quarters of respondents (75.5%) said they have more than one e-mail address. Even more (83.8%) said they need one for work and one for personal mail. Over a quarter of respondents (27%) said they subscribe to web-based e-mail services such as Yahoo! or Hotmail because they need to be able to send and receive business-related e-mail from anywhere. Finally, 8.1% said they have multiple addresses to avoid junk mail. Respondents were strongly averse to changing e-mail addresses; 49% said that “Changing my e-mail address would be a total nightmare.”
Discussing the survey results, Rodney Simonini, of Resource I.T., said, “Many people don’t realize that, depending on how your business e-mail service is configured, there are ways to receive e-mail anywhere you have Internet access,” so e-mail users don’t need to deal with multiple e-mail accounts or have to give business contacts an AOL or Hotmail e-mail address.
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