A Hard Look at Tax Software
By Susan B. Anders and Carol M. Fischer
There are a wide variety of software solutions for return preparation, research, and practice development. The authors conducted a survey of New York State firms to find out whether CPAs are satisfied with their tax software and how they are putting it to use. (Article)
Web-Based Reporting
Charles E. Davis, Whit P. Keuer, Curtis Clements
Web-based reporting is not only the future of financial reporting, it is the present. As more companies present their financial statements online, the need for implementation guidance has increased. The authors examined Fortune 100 companies to determine the current trends and best techniques in web-based reporting currently used.
Updating Analytical Procedures
By Edward Blocher, George Krull, Leonard Tashman, and Stephen V.N. Yates
New tools for analytical procedures allow auditors to focus their attention on gathering reliable data, promising greater audit effectiveness. Though most auditors will be familiar with Excel, more extensive business forecasting tools can provide even greater ease of use and precision.
Encryption: The Theory and Mechanics of How It Is Used on the Internet
By Bruce Busta
All business transactions conducted electronically present some risk, and the controls governing them should be evaluated with respect to confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and nonrepudiation. The author presents the principles and processes of encryption and how it can help achieve these four goals in the electronic environment.