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By Alan J. Straus, JD, CPA Pursuant to New York State law, and New York is often a representative
state, if a resident individual establishes a trust, that trust is deemed
to be a "resident" trust. A trust established while the grantor
is alive is known as an "inter vivos trust," and if it is established
under someone's Last Will it is known as a "testamentary trust."
If the decedent was a resident of New York when he or she died, the estate
would be a resident estate. Any testamentary trusts established by the
decedent's Will would be resident trusts. Usually the trustee and beneficiaries
of the trust are residents of the same state as the person who established
the trust. What happens when the trustee and/or beneficiaries are not residents
of the same state as the grantor? As is often the case, a New York resident individual may have established
a testamentary trust naming, for example, his brother as the trustee for
his children, who are the beneficiaries. During the course of several years,
the brother and the children may have migrated to Florida or some other
warmer place and no longer be domiciled in New York. Eventually, it may
be concluded that it no longer makes sense to continue to file New York
State fiduciary income tax returns, since no one now connected with the
trust has any nexus to New York. Until July 1996, it seemed clear that there was a responsibility to
continue to file New York State returns and pay whatever New York State
tax might be due since the trust was a New York trust established by a
New Yorker. The state finally issued TSB-M-96(1) which clarifies the filing
responsibility in the circumstances described above. Basically, it holds
that as long as the trustee and beneficiaries are domiciled outside of
New York and the corpus of the trust consists of intangibles, there is
no need to file a New York State income tax return for this trust. Presumably,
the result would be the same if there were tangible assets in the trust
that were not located in New York (e.g., a piece of real estate located
in New Jersey). Further, there is no mention in the TSB about where the
portfolio of intangible assets (e.g., marketable securities) was being
kept. It should not make a difference if the brokerage account is maintained
at an office in New York or elsewhere, but there is no consideration in
the TSB of this issue. Also absent from the TSB is a discussion of whether a New York State
return would have to be filed if the trustee resided out of state but the
beneficiaries were domiciled in New York. It is safe to conclude, however,
that under these circumstances a New York return would have to be filed.
New York's regulations still require the filing of a partnership tax return
for any partnership that has a New York domiciliary as a partner even if
that entity has no other nexus with New York. Therefore, in this situation
where the ties are stronger, it would seem logical to expect a requirement
to file. The financial planner should be aware of any additional filing requirements
that trustees, grantors, and beneficiaries may face when they reside in
different states. For instance, the State of Florida has successfully argued
that its intangibles tax applies to a trust established by a non-Florida
domiciliary for a non-Florida beneficiary when the trustee takes residence
in Florida and moves the securities portfolio to a Florida brokerage office.
Some states, on the other hand, take a liberal position and would not tax
a trust established by a nondomiciliary under another states' laws merely
because the trustee happened to move into that state at some future date.
It is important to do careful research rather than merely accept what was
filed; circumstances may differ from those originally encountered at the
establishment of the trust or the estate. A case focusing on this issue for an important, but different, reason
is the Estate of Willis Clack v. United States, 106 T.C. 131. The
case, decided in February 1996, involved a question of the allowability
of a certain deduction for an estate. The actual point in controversy is
not relevant to this discussion. What is, is a discussion by Judge Parker
in his dissenting opinion. The case involved an estate of a decedent who
resided in Arkansas while the executor of his estate resided in Wisconsin.
Each of these states is in a different Federal Circuit for purposes of
determining where an appeal of a Tax Court decision can be filed. This
is important because under the Golsen rule, the Tax Court is bound to follow
the decisions that have been reached in that Circuit. The question depended
upon whether the Tax Court would follow the Court of Appeals in the Circuit
where the decedent resided prior to his death held and find in favor of
the taxpayer or whether the Tax Court was free to rehear the issue and
decide it independently because the Court of Appeals in the Circuit in
which the executor resided had not yet decided the issue. The case turned
on who the "petitioner" was for purposes of filing the suit.
While the Tax Court held the petitioner was the decedent, Judge Parker
made a very convincing case that the court was wrong and that the petitioner
was the executor. That would make the situs for the appeal, the state in
which the executor resided. While such a determination would have had a
profound effect on the above case, a close reading of the case could also
present possible novel arguments, either for or against, as to when a particular
state would be successful in imposing income tax upon a particular trust
or an estate. The Clack case, upon careful reading, makes it very clear that
the issue of trust (or estate) situs should not be taken lightly. The person
responsible for the return preparation must carefully research the rules
in all states that may have an interest in the trust or estate. If it is
an initial return, it may be wise to obtain from council a written opinion
or an opinion in writing from that particular state. It is an unpleasant
experience having to explain to a client that tax returns should have been
filed in past years in a particular state especially when that state had
recently concluded an amnesty period. * By John Vazzana, CPA, Buchbinder Tunick & Co. LLP On October 11, 1996, President Clinton signed the Securities Reform
Bill into law. Title III of this bill, the Investment Advisers Supervision
Coordination Act "IASCA" or the "act," provides regulatory
relief for investment advisers and increases uniformity in state regulation.
The act makes long awaited amendments to the Investment Advisers Act of
1940 and will be of greatest benefit to smaller investment advisers. Basically, IASCA divides responsibility for regulation of investment
advisers between the various state regulatory authorities and the Federal
government. Under the act, an investment adviser with less than $25 million
of assets under management is exempt from Federal regulation. Thus, such
an investment adviser is required to comply with the investment adviser
regulations of any state wherein it maintains its principal place of business.
If the adviser is located in a state that does not require registration,
the SEC will continue to be the regulatory authority. An investment adviser
with more than $25 million of assets under management and advisers of investment
companies are regulated solely by the Federal government and must register
with the SEC. Changes were also made to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
of 1974 to allow advisers of ERISA plans to continue as such in situations
where the adviser is now regulated by a state and not by the SEC. The changes
regarding ERISA plans expire two years after the date of the act's enactment,
giving Congress a chance to review them. Although investment advisers with more than $25 million of "assets
under management" are exempt from state registration, states may continue
to enforce issues of fraud against them and to require them to file documents
for notice purposes. States can also collect filing or registration fees
from otherwise preempted investment advisers. Furthermore, to help ensure
that states receive payment, the act gives any state the authority to require
registration of an exempted investment adviser that fails to pay the required
state fees within three years of enactment. Representatives of exempt investment
advisers may still be subject to state regulation. The act also creates a national de minimis standard under which
an investment adviser would not have to register in a state in which the
adviser has no place of business and, during the preceding 12-month period,
had fewer than six clients who were residents of that state. For investment advisers that are required to register in more than one
state, IASCA eliminates the inconvenience of dual compliance. If an adviser
is in compliance with the regulations of the state wherein it has its principal
place of business, then the adviser does not have to meet in most instances
additional requirements of another state. For instance, no state may enforce
any law or regulation that would require an investment adviser to maintain
any books or records in addition to those required by the state wherein
it is required to register. Also, no state may enforce any law or regulation
that would require an investment adviser to maintain a higher minimum net
capital or post any bond in addition to that required under the laws of
such state. IASCA also gives the SEC authority to require advisers to register,
file a report, and/or pay a fee to a third party established by the SEC
such as a central filing depository for investment advisers. The act gives
the SEC the power to bar convicted felons from registering as advisers.
IASCA also authorizes that $20 million be added to the SEC's budget in
both years 1997 and 1998 for the enforcement of the investment adviser
program, although no appropriation has yet been made. In addition, the
act provides for the "establishment and maintenance of a readily accessible
telephonic or other electronic process to receive inquiries regarding disciplinary
actions and proceedings involving investment advisers." A toll-free
telephone number and access through the Internet are possibilities. The
provisions of IASCA take effect 180 days after the date of enactment. *
Editors: William Bregman, CPA\PFS Contributing Editors: David Kahn, CPA\PFS David Marcus, CPA
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