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By John Elfrink, Duane Bachmann, and Doug Robideaux In 1978 the AICPA voted to remove the portions of Rule 502 in the Code
of Ethics which severely limited the types of advertising the CPA could
do. Although hesitant at first, advertising has become a commonly employed
mode of marketing for some CPAs. The national firms advertise regularly
using television, radio, business journals, and client newsletters. However,
many accountants, particularly the smaller practitioners, have been reluctant
to advertise using media formerly not allowed. The opening of the Internet to the general public, advances in computer
technology, and the widespread use of personal computers in the workplace
and home have opened a whole new world for commerce on an international
scale. The use of the Internet for promotion is a natural outgrowth of
this phenomenon. To the practicing CPA, the Internet offers several major
advantages over traditional advertising methods including-- * the opportunity to enhance the firm's image by appearing to be on
the cutting edge of technology. * Internet advertising can be interactive. Questions can be conveniently
addressed via the e-mail. The surfer can obtain related information by
using hypertext links. * the ability to reach a large audience of prospective clients who have
free access to material through the World Wide Web and other Internet access
tools. The Web surfer tends to be younger, better educated, and wealthier
than the nonuser and consequently more likely to need public accounting
service than the general public. * the chance to level the playing field with other larger firms by developing
an attractive, attention getting home page at a fraction of the cost of
more traditional advertising media. Location and office environment advantages
are neutralized over the net. Although numerous businesses have been hawking their wares over the
Internet with varying degrees of success for several years, CPAs and other
professionals are relatively new to the field. Interest in using the Internet
by CPAs is high as evidenced by the number of articles being written, the
number of seminars available on the topic, and the number of consultants
offering their services to the novice. In response to the potential usefulness
of the Internet, the inexperience in this area, and the current interest,
this study was undertaken to investigate the experiences of CPAs who were
early to experiment with this newest form of promotion. In order to gain insight into the experiences of those CPA firms who
have tried the Internet as a form of advertising, 273 CPA home pages were
downloaded from the net. The home pages were analyzed for their content,
and the e-mail addresses of the firms were located. Using the e-mail addresses,
250 firms were electronically sent a questionnaire dealing with their experiences.
One hundred three of them responded. Each firm was asked to rate the importance of six factors in their decision
to establish a Web site (Exhibit 1). The scale ranged from one (not
important) to five (very important). The majority of the firms believed
that all of the factors were important or very important goals except to
obtain clients outside of their local area. The ranking factors based on the average (mean) responses are as follows:
1. Improve the firm's image (3.92). 2. Attract new clients within the firm's local area (3.77). 3. General interest (curiosity) in the Internet (3.59). 4. Better serve the firm's present clients (3.52). 5. Complement their advertising (3.51). 6. Attract new clients outside the firm's local area (2.90). Start-up and maintenance costs are obvious factors to consider prior
to deciding whether or not to set up a Web site. Three-fourths of the firms
surveyed designed their own home pages. Approximately 40% spent less than
$100 to do so and only 23% invested more than $500 (see Exhibit 2).
The median start-up cost was $200. The average monthly maintenance cost
was quite low ($30). The average number of hits (contacts made with their
home page) was 90 per month. However, nearly one-third (31%) did not know
the number of hits. Although the responding CPAs were generally pleased with their experience
(see Exhibit 3), the ability of the home pages to meet their original
goals was somewhat disappointing. Seventy-nine percent of the CPAs were
very satisfied (56%) or satisfied (23%) with their decision to use a Web
page. Only seven percent were dissatisfied (4%) or very dissatisfied (3%).
However, when asked to judge the effectiveness of the Web page in meeting
original expectations (see Exhibit 4), the early users were somewhat
displeased. Using a five-point scale (one not effective to five very effective),
the respondents found the Web page least effective in obtaining new clients
with mean ratings of 2.07 for recruiting local clients and 1.99 for recruiting
nonlocal clients. Those using Web pages found them effective in satisfying
their curiosity (3.5 mean score) and improving the image of their firm
(3.4 mean score). Several respondents indicated the current results of
their home page are less than spectacular; however, they strongly believe
that widespread use of the net is inevitable and their early experiences
in using a Web page are invaluable. The home page is designed primarily to introduce the Web surfer to the
firm and provide an index to other information available over the net.
A majority of the firms list both their expertise or services and their
e-mail address. Most firms use preformatted response screens to enhance
e-mail communications. Some firms include pictures of firm members and
resumes of the partners on their home pages. Most of the home pages contain
linked items which automatically download additional information when clicked
on with the mouse. The types of additional information vary widely but
include such things as-- * home page of organizations such as the IRS or the AICPA tax tips and
accounting updates; * offers of free items such as a newsletter or initial consultation;
* fee structures; * tax preparation via the e-mail; or * nonaccounting items such as jokes, golf tips, stock prices, or personal
interest topics. The results of this study indicate a very high level of overall satisfaction.
The use of a Web page appears to be relatively inexpensive to develop and
maintain. Although in the development stage, using the net as a promotion
medium shows great promise. Practitioners are advised to consider setting
up their own home pages in order to gain experience and improve the image
of their firm. Failure to establish a presence in cyberspace may cause
harm to a firm's image. Before beginning, several key questions should be addressed: * Does your firm have the resources and interest for such a project?
* Who will maintain the home page and answer the e-mail? * Do your current or potential clients use the Internet? * Is this form of promotion compatible with your firm's image? * Does your firm have the patience to wait for this technology to gain
wider acceptance? For those interested in developing their own home page, there are a
number of sources for help. The AICPA and state societies offer several
CPE courses and sponsor seminars. Many universities and community colleges
are offering both credit and noncredit courses dealing with the Internet.
Numerous consultants are available, including CPA firms. Software for developing
home pages is available at any computer store. A few minutes on one of
the popular search engines on the Internet will yield plenty of sources
of software and expertise. * John Elfrink, PhD, CPA, is chair of the accounting department, Duane
Bachmann, PhD, is professor of marketing, and Doug Robideaux, DBA, is assistant
professor of marketing at the College of Business and Economics, Central
Missouri State University. Editors: L. Murphy Smith, DBA, CPA JUNE 1997 / THE CPA JOURNAL
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