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By Joel Sinkin What do you have to contemplate when the time comes to sell your
accounting practice? Among other things, the author discusses personal
considerations, transition problems, how to choose a successor (the buyer),
and structuring the transfer. The seller must know at least as much about
the purchaser as the purchaser knows about the seller. By the time their clients are five to 10
years from retiring, most accountants have already reviewed and assisted
in working out their financial and continuity needs, including possible
future mergers or sales of the businesses. Many accounting firm owners
with only five years to retirement, however, may not have not yet established
a successor, either within or outside the organization. The answer, of course, is for the sole proprietor or accounting firm
to give careful thought and planning to the succession of the practice.
The practice may have taken many years of hard work and quality service
to establish. It probably is expected to be the source of income in retirement
years, either through the form of periodic payments or as a lump sum from
a successor. In any event, maximizing the benefit from the practice will
depend upon the successful transfer of clients to another practitioner--either
future partners or a purchaser of the practice. Both the transferring firm
and the successor firm will want a successful transition. Clients that
are lost in the transition will usually reduce the payout to the retiring
party as well as being a dampener to making future deals by the successor
firm. Ownership transitions are difficult. How to prepare for and maintain
continuity, especially when egos as well as dollars are at risk, is indeed
a major question. The single most important concern to selling or transferring a practice
is the likelihood that the clients of the transferring practitioner will
remain with the successor firm. Without the prospects of continuity, there
can be no viable transfer. Although many variables come together in deciding
when and how to sell a practice to reasonably assure a successful transition,
there are some that have greater impact than others. For purposes of the
discussion, the transferor will be referred to as the seller, even though
the client service may be assumed by another in a merger or by the formation
of a new partnership. Time and Client Comfort. The more frequently a practitioner
usually services or communicates with its clients, the easier and more
quickly a transition can take place. If a client is visited monthly, within
just one calendar year, the seller and his successor should have ample
opportunity to execute a proper transition. For example, during the first
quarter, the seller and his successor could visit the client together.
The next several visits they can alternate between the successor alone
and the two together. By the last quarter, the successor should be able
to go alone‹with the seller making an occasional follow-up by telephone.
If the seller generally sees clients on an annual basis, such as to
prepare tax returns or prepare a year-end financial statement, it may take
several years for clients to see the seller and successor together often
enough to create a comfort level. In this type of practice, the time to
put a transition plan in place is several years before the seller's actual
or full retirement. Aside from the number of visits, consideration must be given to the
relationship between the seller and the clients and the level of services
performed‹some work is so involved it may very well take additional time
for an effective and lasting transition. While some clients may be visited infrequently, the practitioner and
the client may be in constant communication by telephone. After an initial
personal introduction, the important thing is to get the successor involved
in these communications. In the beginning, conference calls including the
successor, can provide the answer. The successor should solo as soon as
possible, however. If the seller's staff has an abundance of client contact, the seller
may not be needed for as long a transition. In many instances, the staff
can be of greater value with certain clients then the seller. If that is
the case, it will be important for the successor to continue to employ
key staff that have developed the confidence of clients. Desire or Willingness to Continue Working. This is a personal
decision, affecting not only when to sell, but to whom. If a seller wants
to continue working full time or even part time while a successor is put
in place, he or she may have to consider successors with their own self-sustaining
practices. The seller might merge with such a successor early on, in order
to promote the image of greater continuity without immediately reducing
workload or income. In this type of merger, a merger out (a euphemism for
sale), practitioners generally phase out over a given or contractual period
of time. They merge with their successor and gradually shift from full
time to part time and then perhaps to consultant status. By affiliating
with a successor who has a self-sustaining practice, the seller need not
subsidize the successor or change his or her immediate lifestyle. If a practitioner wants next tax season to be the last one with a full-time
role, a successor should be in place by May or June of the preceding year!
Most practitioners have a percentage of clients that they see only during
tax season. In the "perfect world," clients should see the seller
and successor working together for, at least, some period of time. By the
time the seller's clients realize that he or she is phasing out, the successor
will have had ample opportunity to prove his or her own competency. If
the successor is in possession of the client records and the seller remains
a consultant to the practice, the successor will most likely have to mess
up to lose the clients. Upcoming Investments. What if a seller is close to considering
a sale or merger but anticipates the need for a significant investment
that may affect the timing of the sale process? Investments might include
lease renewals, computer upgrades, or a new phone system. Any of these
could accelerate the desire to consider an affiliation eventually leading
to a sale or just a "plain vanilla" sale. For example, if within
the next year, a practitioner is considering some form of transition, why
should he or she commit to an investment now? Remedying some of the needs
or problems may represent nonrecoverable additional costs that may be addressed
by the existing resources of a buyer. Staffing. Can staffing affect when to sell or merge? Absolutely!
The loss, by a sole practitioner considering retirement, of a manager or
strong senior may be a triggering point to contemplate the sale or merger,
up, down, or out. On the other hand, such an event could lead the practitioner
to bring in an individual, not only to fill the current void, but to be
the ultimate successor. Why should a practitioner hire, train, and work
with a new employee without this potential if the plan is to start moving
forward soon with some form of transition? The purchaser or successor to an accounting practice should make a careful
review of the practice being transferred. That review should include careful
scrutiny of the clients from a business and professional point of view.
In effect, the purchaser must also perform client acceptance procedures
on all the clients that may be a part of the practice. The seller or transferor of the practice must also perform due diligence
in order to protect him- or herself. This means the seller must take a
hard and objective look at the prospective successors--the people and their
practices--and determine whether they can accomplish a successful transition.
The seller must, among other things, thoroughly examine the Types of Services Provided. If, for example, the seller
has an audit-oriented practice, then the successor firm must have been
peer reviewed and possess the resources to accommodate efficient and effective
audits. If the audits are of public companies or are required by lending
institutions, the successor must be appropriately acceptable. If, however,
the audits are of more modest companies, e.g., small co-ops, smaller not-for-profits,
etc., the size or resources of the successor firm may not be an issue of
the same magnitude. If the seller, for the most part, provides write-up and tax services
primarily to small business units, the practice would reasonably require
a smaller successor firm already geared up for those types of accounting
services. Size. A sole practitioner with a $50K to $150K write-up/tax
practice may have difficulty transferring the practice to a significantly
larger, say a 20-person, firm. If the seller's clients are used to having
"their accountant" personally visit and spend time servicing
the account monthly, it is unlikely that a larger firm partner would be
available to perform those same services. More likely, a staff member would
do the work, to be reviewed back in the office. Periodically, the work
might be reviewed in the field, giving the partner some opportunity to
"hold the client's hand" but certainly not as much as their accountant--the
present sole practitioner. The billing rates of larger firm partners rarely
allow them to personally visit the "card-and-gift-store owner"
who pays $300 per month. If the practice of the selling firm is very much the work of the practitioner
or partners, with very little staff involvement, the successor firm should
be structured to deliver the same kind or level of service. A common failing
in a transfer is to have low level, experienced staff servicing a client
that was used to having the owner/practitioner do the work, something that
he or she had been doing for years. The prevailing concept should be, "Find
a firm that offers the greatest amount of continuity." Clients used
to dealing with partners are rarely comfortable with transition to a new
firm that starts out by sending lower level personnel. Billing Rates. A successor's billing rates should be similar
to avoid serious fee adjustments. Clients are fee sensitive, and most would
be very reluctant to experience not only a change in personnel but also
an increase in fees. Large disparities in fee structure are very difficult
to make up, if at all. Location. Does the seller have a "go to" practice--does
the seller visit the clients? If so, providing the successor firm has or
creates a local telephone exchange, a new office location is relatively
unimportant. Should a practitioner have a "come to" practice,
this frequently necessitates that the successor have, set up, or take over
the seller's identity, at least for some period of time, in order to solidify
the transition. Many practices are a combination of go to and come to. This requires
additional thought regarding the importance of location. For example, most
individual tax clients are very location sensitive. If the practice has
a significant percentage of such clients, location plays a more important
role. Business clients are generally very receptive to, if not insistent
on, having their accountants come to their place of business vis-à-vis
going to an accountant's office. In this case, the successor's location
may play a less sensitive role. Practices that receive all their work by mail, messenger, or modem,
are obviously less location sensitive. Even so, the successor firm should
set up a local phone number to create a sense of being close. Regardless of practice type, creating a sense of location continuity,
at least during the transition, is important even if it calls for working
out of two separate offices for a short time. Specialties or Niche Practices. Some practices have groups
of clients in the same business, e.g., they may be in construction, health
care, real estate, or litigation support, to name a few. Even if the seller
has only a limited number of clients in a specialty, the retention of that
group mandates that the successor has the ability and necessary resources
to service those clients. Professional Credentials. Sellers should verify that successors--the
purchasers of their practices--are CPA firms, peer or quality reviewed,
up to date on CPE, and have no reported ethical problems. Where appropriate,
documentation should be obtained. Buyer's Client Retention Record. A successor's ability
to retain clients in the past will undoubtedly affect future retention
of a seller's current clients. And continuity will probably affect the
contractual obligation for paying the seller, at least in part. The seller
should have the opportunity to examine client work papers, client lists,
and other pertinent records of any proposed successor. He or she will not
only be able to get a better look at professional abilities and competence
but also gain insight into specific industry skills and experience. This
"examination" will also help answer the very important question:
Will this purchaser have a good shot at retaining the clients and paying
the seller out? Successor's Financial Records. Many accountants help to
assure that their clients keep organized and proper records, but subscribe
to the adage about "the shoemakers' children" when it comes to
their own records. Sellers should seek assurance that buyers maintain appropriate
and perhaps even separate records to enable verification of their financial
due. Financial Review. In order to attain an additional level
of comfort as to a successor's ability to meet the financial obligation
of the client transfer, the seller should obtain relevant reports from
sources such as TRW and Dunn & Bradstreet. Chemistry. The most important consideration for a seller,
when selecting a buyer, should be "chemistry." The vast majority
of accounting clients, especially smaller ones, have little insight into
the technical abilities of their accountants. Clients know their accountants,
generally like them, but most of all feel comfortable with them; therefore,
he or she is their accountant‹a good accountant! Clients will stay with the successor firm long-term if they can be made
to feel the same way about the successor as they do for the seller. If
sellers are comfortable on a "people-to-people basis" with their
successors, hopefully their clients will be too. There are enough difficulties
in retaining clients during and after a transition without personality
differences and conflict being apparent between the principals. If the
buyer and seller get along, it is often a good sign that the buyer and
clients will, too! What are some of the ways to structure transitions from one firm to
another? The answer to this question has great impact on the success of
any move. Consider the following: Merger Contract with Buy-Out. The seller and successor
merge their practices with a future buy-out, the detailed terms stipulated,
signed, sealed, and delivered up front, creating an affiliation
starting an appropriate time before the seller's retirement. Not only does
this allow for a stronger, more comfortable transition of the client base,
but in the event of the seller's death, permanent or temporary disability,
back-up is already in place. The seller may also be the beneficiary of
increased technology and support, to better service clients until the eventual
buy-out. While the buy-out can be done in stages, it is important to have it
in place in advance. Neither party wants to wake up three years after initiation
of the merger and realize that one or the other cannot agree on the next
step of the buy-out or how to structure it. An agreement that details the
entire process should be acknowledged prior to establishing any affiliation.
Sale with a Consulting Agreement. Selling a practice with
a continuing consulting agreement can give the seller many features of
a buy-out without the liability exposure of continuing as a partner. The
greater the possibility of increased exposure to the seller, the more this
arrangement may make sense. While a consulting agreement is obviously for
the purpose of an orderly transition, i.e., giving the clients an opportunity
to get accustomed to the change, it should not be announced to the seller's
client base up front as a "done deal." Sale‹Transition‹Gone. This is probably how most smaller
practitioners sell their practices. The successor acquires the equity from
the seller and a transition of some sort follows. The key to making this
effective is the transition; there is always a need for the clients being
transferred to get as comfortable as possible with the new firm. In some client transitions, the first time many clients really understand
what is happening is with the arrival of a letter announcing the new arrangement.
The envelope would probably have the seller's firm name and address, ensuring
that the envelope will be opened, read, and just not junked, as just another
firm's marketing piece. The letter must also stress continuity to the clients wherever possible,
e.g., the person they always trusted (the seller and perhaps staff) will
be part of the new organization; the fee structure will remain the same;
and, the new firm will remain geographically sensitive. Most of transfers at least start with the appearance of an affiliation,
not a sale. While people, per se, cannot be bought and sold, client retention
can still Joel Sinkin is the division manager at Globalforce Personnel
Services, a consulting firm that specializes in mergers and acquisitions
of public accounting practices. AUGUST 1996 / THE CPA JOURNAL
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