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By Mitchell Sorkin, CPA Your client phones and informs you that his mother, who lives in a Florida
condo on Social Security, and has $200,000 in assets, just had an operation,
but will not be able to care for herself. What should he do? As our population gets older, this question will pop up time and time
again. How do we, as accountants, who are the advisors most familiar with
client's affairs, properly advise them? The problem is that when clients move to retirement areas, it becomes
difficult to administer their affairs. Proper planning should be done before
the retirement move. However, few people really do this. In the above scenario, what should have been done leisurely, must now
be done rapidly. A new profession is popping up which is called the Geriatric Care Manager
(GAM). These people are usually board certified social workers. They have
experience with the elderly in providing for their needs. They usually
have nursing home experience as social workers, directors, or administrators.
A GAM can be contacted and employed to do all the legwork without the
necessity of hopping on a plane. They can evaluate the needs of the patient,
determine progress, and prescribe a course of action. They can be instrumental
in obtaining healthcare proxies and living wills. These legal documents
direct what and how medical treatment should be administered and who will
make these decisions. GAMs can also help in determining the type of facility that's best under
the circumstances and in choosing one. They can explain what Medicare covers,
and how to qualify for Medicaid. For terminal illnesses they can help find
a hospice if that approach is desired. The elder care attorney becomes an extremely important person. He is
aware of all current laws and the rights of the patients. He can review
legal documents, identify missing documents, and determine the special
needs in the domiciled state. He can assure that a proper power of attorney
is in place. The elder care attorney can inform you of the patient's rights when
in a nursing home and help in the reallocation of assets to qualify for
Medicaid. The doctor is, of course, very important to properly diagnose a patient's
condition and promote longevity. She is the person who will suggest treatment,
prescribe drugs, and authorize discharge from the hospital. She also is
the person who must request a hospice and, together with relatives, determine
whether or not to resuscitate or use artificial life sustaining equipment.
It is important to note that the attending doctor in the hospital will
probably not be the same doctor in the nursing home. This may present a
major problem in communicating and in treatment. The caretaker (usually the patient's relative) is the one that must
implement the course of action and follow it through. There will be many
opinions, options, falsehoods, and truths, and the caretaker must make
the appropriate decisions. The checklist in the Exhibit on page 69 will
help you make those decisions. * By David Langer, FCA, ASA, EA, consulting actuary, presidentDavid
Langer Co., Inc. There are currently about 7.5 million persons receiving $62 billion
in survivor insurance benefits under Social Security. CPAs therefore need
to be aware of the magnitude of these benefits when assisting clients and
their families with personal financial planning. The following is a brief
explanation of survivors insurance covering certain key aspects. Consider an employee age 45 with a wife age 42 and two children, 15
(Child 1) and 14 (Child 2). If the employee died on January 1, 1996 and
had always earned more than the taxable wage base, the survivors insurance
benefits would be equal to those in the Exhibit, assuming 3% cost-of-living
increases: The actuarial lump sum value as of January 1, 1996 for these benefits
is approximately $211,000 (6% interest, 3% cost-of-living, GA-83 Mortality
Table). All birthdays are assumed to be on January 1. * Widow(er), age 60 or over; 50 to 59 if disabled. 100% of primary insurance
amount (PIA), subject to reduction for early commencement. Notes * There are fully and currently insured worker requirements for benefits. An updated summary of Social Security benefits is available annually
from CCH Incorporated, among others. The CCH booklet contains the key provisions
of Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (and Medicare). Benefit
tables enable a financial planner to estimate future benefits, assuming
no future changes in Social Security or current wages. The booklets cost
$5 each for up to four copies scaling down to about $1.50 for 1,000 copies.
* Editor: Milton Miller, CPA Contributing Editors: David Kahn, CPA AUGUST 1996 / THE CPA JOURNAL
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