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By Marshall A. Geiger, K. Raghunandan, and D.V. Rama One of the continuing expectations of investors and other financial
statement users is an early warning signal for companies in financial distress.
Accordingly, there is an ongoing call to auditors to "red flag"
those companies for which bankruptcy is inevitable or at least highly probable.
Prior audit reporting requirements under SAS No. 34 required a "subject
to" qualified audit opinion in cases where the company's ability to
continue in existence was in doubt. The former professional standards did
not require auditors to explicitly evaluate a client company's ability
to continue in existence as part of each and every audit. Continued existence
was assumed and not specifically substantiated in most audits. The reporting
and auditing requirements under SAS No. 58, and particularly SAS No. 59,
which addresses the auditor's consideration of an entity's ability to continue
as a going concern, require an explicit evaluation of a company's continued
viability in every audit. For cases where such viability is in substantial
doubt, a modified (but still considered unqualified) report is to be rendered
with an additional fourth paragraph describing the uncertainty about the
entity's ability to continue in existence for a reasonable period of time.
The following is an example of such an explanatory fourth paragraph set
out in SAS No. 59: The accompanying financial statements have been prepared assuming that
the company will continue as a going concern. As discussed in Note X to
the financial statement, the company has suffered recurring losses from
operations and has a net capital deficiency, which raise substantial doubt
about its ability to continue as a going concern. Management's plans in
regard to these matters are also described in Note X. The financial statements
do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this
uncertainty. Financial statement users have consistently expected auditors to render
such early warning signals under the premise that auditors are in the best
position to determine when companies are in a situation of potential failure
and report this doubt to interested parties. With changes in audit standards
that both require a closer look at a company's ability to continue and
alter the reporting of any resultant substantial doubt, comes the necessity
to evaluate whether the new standards have actually been successful in
their attempt to more closely meet user reporting expectations. In an attempt to provide information to make such an evaluation, a study
was conducted that examined auditor reporting tendencies regarding subsequently
bankrupt companies after the new SASs and compared them to pre-SAS No.
59 findings. If auditors are found to render more going-concern opinions
for subsequently bankrupt companies following SAS No. 59 than before, the
new standards can be said to have improved auditors' reporting actions
and closed the expectations gap at least to some extent regarding reporting
on bankruptcies. Past Reporting Practice. Prior research using pre-SAS No. 59 audit reports
have consistently found that only about 40 to 45% of bankrupt companies
received a "subject to" qualified audit report on their financial
statements for the year immediately preceding bankruptcy. If there was
no change in auditor reporting tendency after SAS No. 59, we would expect
a similar percentage of bankrupt companies to receive a SAS No. 59 explanatory
paragraph for going concern. New Reporting Practice. To examine audit reporting under SAS No. 59,
we examined prior audit reports given to recently bankrupt companies. The
Predicast Index of Corporate Change for the years 1990 through 1992 was
used to identify bankrupt companies. Financial and audit report data on
these companies were collected from immediately preceding financial statements.
This search yielded 93 bankrupt companies for the period that included
all necessary information. We also wanted to examine the auditor reporting
behavior under various degrees of reported financial distress of the bankrupt
companies. Accordingly, we examined three widely used measures of financial
distress that were used in prior studies and were also identified in SAS
No. 59 as distress signals: 1) recurring negative cash flow from operations
(i.e., negative cash flow in the current and prior year), 2) recurring
losses from operations (i.e., losses in the current and prior year), and
3) a negative working capital position. Each of the three measures was
given a "1" if present and a "0" if not. These financial
distress indicators were then added together to give an overall reflection
of the relative level of reported financial stress just prior to filing
for bankruptcy. The levels of financial stress and resultant auditor opinions
on these bankrupt companies are presented in the Exhibit. The overall results indicate that 62% of the bankrupt companies for
the period properly received a SAS No. 59 going concern modified audit
report in the year prior to bankruptcy. This is a considerable increase
over the 40 to 45% found in earlier studies of auditor reporting behavior
prior to SAS No. 59. These findings indicate that the new SAS's requirements
regarding auditor responsibility to evaluate and report on issues of client's
ability to continue as a going concern appear to have been fruitful. The
increased percentage of failed companies receiving a going concern audit
report has increased substantially after the new standards. Regardless of whether the results are due to the new requirement to
more actively evaluate the client's viability in every audit or due to
the elimination of the former "subject to" qualified report,
the new standards have appeared to improve audit reporting. More bankrupt
companies are receiving going concern audit reports prior to bankruptcy,
thus narrowing any existing expectations gap in this regard. The Exhibit also indicates the increased tendency to give a going concern
modified report comes when two or more of the examined financial distress
indicators are present. Of those bankrupt companies with two or more distress
indicators, 26 out of 31 (84%), received going concern reports prior to
bankruptcy. Of those companies exhibiting none or only one financial distress
indicator, 32 out of 62 (52%), received a report modification. These results (82% and 52%), however, compare favorably with the former
findings of roughly 40 to 45% for all bankrupt companies and provide evidence
auditors are more apt to issue the new going concern modified report in
cases of financial stress and eventual bankruptcy. SAS No. 59 reporting
requirements, although signalling the same event as prior standards, appear
to have caused or enabled auditors to more accurately and timely report
on the financial condition of client companies to third parties. Although these findings show considerable gains in reporting on the
ability to continue as a going concern, they also indicate considerable
room for improvement, particularly when few or no typical financial statement
distress signals are present. In these situations, only about half of the
eventually bankrupt companies received modified audit reports in the year
immediately preceding bankruptcy. SAS No. 59 requires auditors to look at client managements' plans, strategies,
and ability to overcome any financial and business stress. Auditors must
also assess other circumstances and events within the client organization,
as well as those of related companies, other companies in the industry,
and the economy in general. Auditors must closely monitor all events that
affect the client's financial viability‹even prior to when significant
levels of financial stress are reflected in the financial statements. These
critical evaluations are essential to allow auditors to make an accurate
assessment of the client's ability to continue, and thus enable a more
accurate and timely reporting on continued viability. Auditors' assessments of continued existence are constrained by the
availability and accuracy of information. As stated in SAS No. 59, auditors
are not responsible for predicting future conditions or events. Auditors
are, however, responsible for understanding and assessing existing conditions
or trends that may lead to financial stress and eventual business cessation.
Professional and business knowledge and judgment play important roles in
these required evaluations. A more critical or thorough approach to continued
existence evaluations under SAS No. 59 would enable auditors to further
increase their effectiveness in reporting on going concern problems, particularly
in situations prior to their manifestation in the financial statements.
A closer adherence to the intent, as well as the letter of auditor responsibilities
embodied in SAS No. 59 would undoubtedly raise audit reporting accuracy
above the already increased levels found in this study. * Marshall A. Geiger, PhD, CPA, is an associate professor of
accounting at the University of Rhode Island. K. Raghunandan, PhD, and
D.V. Rama, PhD, are associate professors of accounting at the University
of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. No. of Financial Unmodified Modified Percent of 0 13 13 26 28% 1 17 19 36 39 2 4 25 29 31 3 1 1 2 2 Total 35 58 93 100 Percent 38% 62% 100% Editor: AUGUST 1995 / THE CPA JOURNAL53
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